Home Bulls Barefoot running: advantages, disadvantages and how to start

Barefoot running: advantages, disadvantages and how to start


When running barefoot, there is increased contact of the foot with the ground, increasing the work of the muscles of the feet and calf and improving the absorption of the impact on the joints. In addition, bare feet allow greater sensitivity to the small adjustments that the body needs to make to avoid injury, which is not always the case when wearing running shoes with good shock absorbers or suitable for the type of step of the person.

Barefoot running is recommended for people who are already used to running, this is because to run barefoot it is important that the person is used to the movement, thus avoiding injuries, as this type of running requires greater body awareness.

Advantages and disadvantages of running barefoot

When running barefoot, the body is able to adjust better, with less risk of injury to the knee and hip joints, because naturally the first part of the foot that has contact with the ground is the middle of the foot, which distributes the impact forces directly to the muscles instead of the joints. In addition, this is a natural way to strengthen the small muscles inside the feet, which reduces the chances of inflammation such as plantar fasciitis.

However, when running barefoot there are small changes in the body, the skin on the feet becomes thicker, blood bubbles can appear on the instep and there is always the risk of cuts and injuries due to stones in the path or broken glass, for example.

How to run barefoot safely

The best ways to run barefoot without harming your body are:

  • Run barefoot on the treadmill; Run barefoot on the beach sand; Run with 'foot gloves' that are a type of reinforced sock.

Another safe option is to run with non-cushioned running shoes that allow you to open your toes wide while running.

To start this new way of running it is important to start slowly for the body to get used to it. The ideal is to start running less kilometers and for less time, because this way it is possible to avoid pain in the toes, which is scientifically called metatarsalgia, and to reduce the risk of microfractures in the heel.

How to begin

The best way to start a minimalist or natural run is to start your training progressively. A good tip is to start by changing the running shoes you are used to using for 'foot gloves' and running on the treadmill or on the beach.

After a few weeks you can start running on the grass and then after a few more weeks you can run completely barefoot, but also starting with the treadmill, beach sand, grass, then on the dirt and, finally, on the asphalt. It is only recommended to do a run of approximately 10K on the asphalt after starting this type of adaptation more than 6 months ago. In any case, it is safer to be accompanied by a personal trainer to achieve better results every time.

Barefoot running: advantages, disadvantages and how to start