Home Bulls Coversyl



Coversyl is an antihypertensive medication that has Perindopril as its active substance.

This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with high blood pressure, since it acts as a vasoconstrictor increasing potassium and sodium and eliminating excess fluids from the blood vessels, this process decreases the resistance in the circulatory system and maintains the pressure balanced blood pressure.

Coversyl indications

High pressure.

Coversyl Price

The Coversyl box of 8 mg with 15 tablets costs approximately 68 reais and the box of 8 mg with 30 tablets costs approximately 136 reais.

Side Effects of Coversyl

Headache; dry cough; Headache; mood disorders; taste disorders; dizziness; cramps; skin rashes; dry mouth; decreased hemoglobin in the blood.

Contraindications to Coversyl

Pregnancy Risk C; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to Use Coversyl

Oral use


Start treatment with the administration of 4 mg, in a single daily dose, according to the patient's response, adjust the dose gradually, every 2 weeks. The maintenance dose should be kept between 4 and 8 mg, in a single daily dose.

It is necessary to stop the use and diuretics 2 or 3 days before starting this product (in severe cases, when diuretics are needed, start the product cautiously).


Administer 2 mg of Coversyl daily.
