Home Bulls Baby growth in the first year

Baby growth in the first year


The baby's growth in the first year of life undergoes many changes and evolves from month to month.

In the first three months, the breastfed baby increases by about 700-800 g per month and in the following three months it increases by an average of 600-800 g per month, having twice the birth weight. From six months, the baby gains about 400-600 g per month until he turns 1. At this age, it has three times the birth weight.

At birth, the baby's average height varies from 49 to 50 cm and at 1 year of age the baby measures about 74-75 cm.

The baby's lower frontal teeth should appear between the 8th and 9th months of life and the upper frontal teeth begin to appear between the 8th and 12th months of life.

The baby's development progresses monthly and the baby is able to do new things with each passing month.

Baby development from 0 to 3 months

The baby's development from 0 to 3 months includes the baby:

  • Lifting the head; Reacting to sounds; Staring at people's faces; Seeing objects about 15-20 cm; Keeping the head up for a while; Following the objects with the eyes; Smiling at people; Holding the head; Laugh and scream; Recognize the mother's face, smell and voice; Turn your head in the direction of the noise; Bring your hands to your mouth and suck your fingers; Hold objects.

These developmental milestones from 0 to 3 months are written in the order that the baby is able to perform them.

Baby development from 4 to 6 months

The development of the baby from 4 to 6 months is related to the baby being able to:

  • Respond with sounds; Support your own weight on your legs, but holding something or someone; Join hands and hit toys; Stretch your arms to pick up objects; Turn around while sleeping and when lying down; Recognize your name; Put on toys in the mouth; Sit with support; Imitate sounds; Roll when lying down; Sit without support; Start eating solid (pasty) foods.

These activities that the baby can already do are arranged in chronological order, from the fourth to the sixth month.

Baby development from 7 to 9 months

Baby development from 7 to 9 months can include the baby:

  • Crawling; Being afraid of strangers; Saying words like "daddy" or "mommy"; Transferring objects from one hand to the other; Pointing at objects; Throwing objects at the floor; Complaining when upset; Standing for a while but held by someone; Combine syllables; Pick up small objects with your thumb and index finger; Recognize your image in the mirror.

These events are written in the order in which they happen, from 7 to 9 months.

Baby development from 10 to 12 months

The baby's development from 10 to 12 months includes the baby:

  • Make gestures like "bye" or "no"; walk around holding objects; answer by name; understand the word "no".Stand alone for a while; imitate people; place objects inside others; understand simple orders like " get that toy "; speak sounds similar to words; show what you want through gestures; take a few steps held by a person.

These developmental milestones are written chronologically, from 10 to 12 months.

Baby development is not the same for all babies, as some may take longer than others. The important thing is to respect the baby's time and take the baby to the Pediatrician regularly for him to assess his growth and development.

Baby growth in the first year