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5 Diseases caused by soda


Taking soda is bad for your health, not only because it contains too much sugar, but because it also contains components that weaken all the organs in the body.

In addition, the soda has no nutritional value and still contains high amounts of salt, which favor fluid retention, lead to weight gain, a full belly and swollen legs.

Most soft drinks are made from phosphoric acid, corn syrup and potassium, which are substances that can lead to various health problems.

See what are the other most common eating mistakes that harm your health.

1. Diabetes and weight gain

Only one can of soda contains about 10 tablespoons of sugar, which greatly increases blood sugar levels and decreases the action of insulin in the body. Thus, if eaten regularly, soft drinks can lead to the development of diabetes.

In addition, when blood sugar levels rise too quickly, such as after drinking a can of soda, it is normal to feel more hungry, which leads to an exaggerated weight gain.

2. Weakening of bones and teeth

Most sodas contain a high amount of phosphoric acid that prevents the body from absorbing the calcium needed to strengthen bones. That way, people who drink sodas regularly can develop problems like cavities or osteoporosis.

This phosphoric acid also makes it difficult for the stomach to work to produce gastric acid, delaying the digestion process and the absorption of nutrients.

3. Kidney stones

Due to the acidity of soft drinks, the body needs to use calcium, which would be used in bones, to facilitate digestion and balance the pH.

Thus, the kidneys need to eliminate the calcium used in this process, which increases the risk of formation of kidney stones, due to the accumulation of calcium inside. Find out what are the main causes of kidney stones.

4. Increase in blood pressure

Soft drinks can lead to a gradual increase in blood pressure, especially due to their high amounts of sodium and caffeine.

In addition, several studies indicate that excessive consumption of fructose, which is the sugar present in soft drinks, is also a major cause of high blood pressure.

5. Cancer

Because it is rich in sugar, frequent consumption of soda increases the risk of cancer, even in people who are underweight. In addition, its consumption favors weight gain and the development of diabetes, problems that are also related to the increased risk of cancer.

Why pregnant women and children should not take

Soda is bad in pregnancy because it causes abdominal discomfort, contributes to weight gain and can cause fluid retention. In addition, cola-based soft drinks, such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi, have a lot of caffeine, which during pregnancy cannot exceed 200 mg per day. If the pregnant woman drinks 2 cups of coffee in a day, she can no longer drink caffeine.

Soft drinks that have caffeine should also not be drunk while breastfeeding because caffeine passes into breast milk and can cause insomnia in the baby.

In children, on the other hand, the soda can hinder physical and mental development, as well as facilitate the onset of diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Soft drinks should be excluded from the baby's diet, and fruit juices, in addition to water, can be chosen for adequate fluid intake.

See also the top 5 reasons for not giving your child soda.

5 Diseases caused by soda