Home Bulls Homemade sexual stimulant

Homemade sexual stimulant


Strawberry juice, as well as asparagus tincture, and concentrated guarana soft drink are excellent natural recipes for improving intimate contact, providing more energy and sexual appetite.

These home remedies are a good complement to the treatment against sexual impotence, which can be done with remedies indicated by the doctor, but in order to have the expected effect, you must consume 1 of these recipes per day, for 3 weeks.

1. Watermelon juice with strawberry

A good homemade sexual stimulant is strawberry juice with watermelon. The aphrodisiac properties of strawberries and watermelon are combined in this recipe, resulting in a delicious and natural sexual stimulant.


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Method of preparation

Beat the watermelon pulp and strawberries in a blender or mixer. For the more daring you can add a drop of chili pepper to the juice, giving it an even more exotic flavor, increasing your sexual potential.

This juice must be made with some regularity to verify its effects.

2. Asparagus tincture

Another great aphrodisiac home remedy is to take the asparagus tincture because it improves blood circulation and, consequently, sexual performance. For a better use of the properties of asparagus, a tincture can be prepared as follows:


  • 10 new sprouts of asparagus 500 ml of vodka or cereal alcohol

Method of preparation

Chop the asparagus and place it in a glass container with a lid, along with 500 ml of vodka. Let stand for 10 days. Strain and take 10 drops of this preparation, diluted in a little water, 3 times a day.

Another way to enjoy the aphrodisiac properties of asparagus is to have an asparagus soup or to consume cooked asparagus, drizzled with olive oil on a regular basis.

3. Strawberry juice with ginger

Strawberry juice with orange and ginger is also a great recipe for keeping your sex life active and healthier.


  • 6 strawberries1 orange ½ spoon (coffee) of powdered ginger1 pinch of grated nutmeg3 walnuts

Method of preparation:

Add all the ingredients in a blender and beat until the juice is smooth. Drink up to 2 glasses of strawberry juice daily.

Strawberries, in addition to being an aphrodisiac and decreasing the likelihood of sexual problems, are an important antioxidant that protects the heart and prevents cancer.

4. Açaí with guarana

This recipe, in addition to being a potent sexual stimulant, also reduces stress and tiredness, improving the quality of intimate contact.


  • 50 ml of guarana syrup 100 g of açaí pulp200 ml of water 1 banana2 tablespoons of granola1 paçoca

Method of preparation:

Beat the guarana syrup, açaí, water and banana in the blender, and then add the granola and paçoca. The juice is delicious, but it should be taken in moderation. 1 glass a week is enough to feel its aphrodisiac and energetic effects.

See the foods that increase libido and how to prepare an aphrodisiac meal in the following video:

Homemade sexual stimulant