Home Bulls Estriol (ovestrion)

Estriol (ovestrion)


Estriol is a female sex hormone used to relieve vaginal symptoms related to the lack of the female hormone estriol.

Estriol can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Ovestrion, in the form of vaginal cream or tablets.

Estriol Price

The price of estriol can vary between 20 and 40 reais, depending on the form of presentation and the quantity of the product.

Estriol Indications

Estriol is indicated for female hormone replacement related to itching and vaginal irritation, caused by the lack of the female hormone estriol.

How to use Estriol

The use of Estriol varies according to the form of presentation and the problem to be treated, the general guidelines being:

Vaginal cream

  • Atrophy of the genitourinary tract: 1 application per day for the first weeks, reduced according to symptom relief until reaching the maintenance dose of 2 applications per week; Before or after vaginal surgery at menopause: 1 application per day 2 weeks before surgery and 1 application twice a week for 2 weeks after surgery; Diagnosis in case of cervical smear: 1 application on alternate days for 1 week before collection.

Oral Pills

  • Atrophy of the genitourinary tract: 4 to 8 mg daily for the first weeks, followed by gradual reduction; Before or after vaginal surgery at menopause: 4 to 8 mg per day 2 weeks before surgery and 1 to 2 mg per day for 2 weeks after surgery; Diagnosis in case of cervical smear: 2 to 4 mg per day for 1 week before collection; Infertility due to cervical hostility: 1 to 2 mg from the 6th to the 18th day of the menstrual cycle.

In any case, the dose of Estriol should be adequate according to the instructions of the gynecologist.

Side Effects of Estriol

The main side effects of estriol include vomiting, headaches, cramps, breast tenderness and itching or local irritation.

Estriol contraindications

Estriol is contraindicated for pregnant women or women with undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, a history of otosclerosis, breast cancer, malignant tumors, endometrial hyperplasia, venous thromboembolism, arterial thromboembolic disease, acute liver disease, porphyria or hypersensitivity to any of the components of the formula.

Estriol (ovestrion)