Home Bulls Ethambutol



Etambutol is a medication that has Etambutol Hydrochloride as its active substance.

Its active substance acts against the microorganism that causes tuberculosis, stopping its multiplication and reducing the symptoms of the disease in a few weeks.

Ethambutol is used orally and to ensure greater effectiveness it must be taken in combination with other antituberculous medications.

Ethambutol indications

Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

Side Effects of Ethambutol

Nausea; increased uric acid in the blood; decreased platelets in the blood; reduction in visual capacity; itch; joint pain; pain in the abdomen; malaise; Headache; vertigo; mental confusion; tingling sensation; drop; skin allergy.

Contraindications for Ethambutol

Pregnancy Risk C; lactating women; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components; children under 13 years old.

How to use Ethambutol

Oral Use (Used in combination)


Initial treatment for individuals who have not received another anti-tuberculosis drug should be administered 15 mg per kg body weight, as a single dose every 24 hours. For individuals who have already received another anti-tuberculosis medication, it is recommended to administer 25 mg per kg of body weight of Etambutol, as a single dose every 24 hours.
