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Eye examination: when to do it and what it is for


The eye exam is a test that serves to assess the eyes, eyelids and tear ducts in order to investigate eye diseases, such as glaucoma or cataracts, for example.

Generally, in the ophthalmological exam, the visual acuity test is done, however, other more specific exams can be done, such as evaluation of eye movements or eye pressure, and usually includes the use of specific machines or instruments, causing no pain and not requiring any preparation before the exam is performed.



What is the exam for

A complete eye examination includes several tests and the ophthalmologist uses various instruments and lights to assess the individual's eye health.

Generally, the visual acuity test is one of the most well-known components of the ophthalmological examination, as it is the one that is done in several cases, even in competitions, to work or drive, for example, and serves to assess the person's vision potential being done by placing a sign, with letters of different sizes or symbols, in front of the individual and the patient tries to read them.

However, the complete eye examination must include other tests, such as:

  • Examination of eye movements: it serves to assess whether the eyes are aligned, and the doctor may ask the patient to look in different directions, or point an object, such as a pen, and observe the eye movements; Fundoscopy: used to diagnose changes in the retina or optic nerve. The doctor uses an accessory lens to examine the patient; Tonometry: it serves to measure the pressure inside the eye, through a blue light projected on the individual's eye and through contact with a measuring device or through a blowing device; Assessment of lacrimal pathways: The doctor analyzes the amount of tear, its permanence in the eye, its production and its removal through eye drops and materials.

In addition to these tests, the ophthalmologist can advise the person to do other more specific tests such as Computerized Keratoscopy, Daily Tension Curve, Retinal Mapping, Pachymetry and Visual Campimetry, depending on the suspicions that arise during the eye examination.

When to take the exam

The eye examination varies according to the person's age and the presence or absence of vision problems, and people who have vision problems should consult the ophthalmologist at least once a year and, in case of any change in vision, such as eye pain or blurred vision, for example, should seek medical advice as soon as possible.

However, everyone should have routine eye exams and a doctor:

  • At birth: you must do the eye test in the maternity ward or in an ophthalmologic office At 5 years of age: before going to school it is essential to take the exam to diagnose vision problems, such as myopia, which can hinder the learning process, and must be repeated repeat the exam annually during this period; Between 20 and 40 years old: one should try to go to the ophthalmologist at least twice during this time; Between the ages of 40 and 65: eyesight should be assessed every 1-2 years, as eyesight is more likely to tire; After 65 years: it is important to evaluate the eyes every year.

In addition, the doctor may recommend more frequent and more specific tests, if the person has diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma or has a visually demanding job, such as working with small parts or on the computer.

Eye examination: when to do it and what it is for