Home Bulls Tests that confirm menopause

Tests that confirm menopause


To confirm the menopause, the gynecologist indicates the performance of some blood tests, such as the measurement of FSH, LH, prolactin. If menopause is confirmed, the doctor may recommend that a bone densitometry be done to assess the bone part of the woman.

Menopause confirmation is made not only from the results of the exams, but also through the assessment of the signs and symptoms presented, such as hot flashes, mood swings and absence of menstruation. Check out more signs and symptoms indicative of menopause.

Tests that confirm menopause

The main indicative sign that the woman is entering menopause is menstrual irregularity, being more frequent in women between 45 and 55 years old. In order to confirm if the lack of menstruation is, in fact, indicative of menopause, the gynecologist can recommend the performance of blood tests, the main ones being:

1. FSH

FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone, is a hormone whose function is to promote the maturation of eggs during childbearing age and, therefore, is considered a hormone related to fertility. FSH values ​​vary according to the period of the menstrual cycle and the woman's age.

This is one of the main exams requested by the gynecologist to determine menopause, because during this period, high levels of the hormone are verified, indicating that there is a decrease in ovarian function. See more about the FSH exam.

2. LH

Like FSH, LH, also called luteinizing hormone, is a hormone responsible in women for ovulation and progesterone production, also related to reproductive capacity. LH concentrations vary according to the phase of the menstrual cycle, with higher values ​​being observed during the ovulatory period.

Usually, very high LH values ​​are indicative of menopause, especially if there is also an increase in FSH.

3. Cortisol

Cortisol is a hormone naturally produced by the body in order to help the body in controlling stress and reducing inflammation. However, when this hormone is in higher concentrations in the blood, it can cause some damage to health, including changes in the menstrual cycle due to the dysregulation of female hormones, causing the woman to go through periods without menstruating.

Therefore, in order to investigate the changes in the menstrual cycle presented by the woman, the doctor may request the measurement of cortisol to check if it is a sign of menopause or is in fact a consequence of hormonal changes caused by high levels of cortisol. Learn more about high cortisol.

4. Prolactin

Prolactin is a hormone responsible for stimulating the mammary glands to produce milk during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in addition to being important for regulating other female hormones, interfering with ovulation and menstruation.

Increased levels of prolactin in the blood outside of pregnancy can lead to the appearance of some signs and symptoms, such as difficulty in becoming pregnant, irregular menstruation or absence of menstruation and symptoms of menopause, and is therefore indicated by the gynecologist to confirm the menopause.

Check out everything about the prolactin test.

5. hCG

HCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy and its function is to maintain it, preventing the flaking of the endometrium, which is what happens during menstruation. When investigating menopause, your doctor may advise you to measure your hCG in your blood or urine to check if your period is not due to pregnancy or hormonal changes that are indicative of menopause.

Pharmacy examination of menopause

It is possible to do a quick pharmacy exam to detect menopause and which aims to detect the amount of the FSH hormone in the urine, and the test should be performed as follows:

  1. Place the urine in a clean, dry bottle; Insert the test strip into the bottle for about 3 seconds; Wait 5 minutes and evaluate the result.

The urine can be collected at any time of the day and the positive result is given when 2 lines appear in the test, one of which is darker in color than the control line. In case of a positive result, the woman may be in menopause or pre-menopause, having to consult a gynecologist for confirmation and treatment to be started if necessary. Most of the time, this is done with hormone replacement. Understand how is the treatment of menopause.

Tests that confirm menopause