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Elastic exercises to thicken the legs


To increase the muscular mass of legs and glutes, keeping them toned and defined, the elastic can be used, as it is a lightweight, very efficient, easy to transport and practical to store.

This training equipment, which can be used at home or at the gym, allows the execution of exercises that help to turn the thighs and glutes increasing strength and, fighting flaccidity, fat and cellulite in that region.

The elastic training not only helps to make the feathers hard, it also helps to keep your butt in shape and with your arms and belly firm, because the force that is exerted to pull the elastic requires that you exercise your entire body at the same time..

Elastic with handle

Elastic without handle

Triple elastic

How to increase thigh and gluteal muscle mass

To achieve this increase, it is necessary to:

  • Exercise with elastic for the thigh and calf, at least 3 times a week for about 30 minutes; Maintain a diet rich in protein, eating meat, fish, egg, milk, cheese and yogurt daily. Find out about other foods at: Foods high in protein.

In addition, you can exercise at the gym and have an increase in thighs and glutes, you can use the specific machines for lower limbs, such as extensor, flexor or leg press, for example.

Exercise for the thighs

The elastic sink helps to work the front of the thigh. Thus, you should:

  1. Spread your feet, placing one leg behind and one in front, supporting the back only on the tip of the foot; Attach one end of the elastic to the back foot and the other part of the elastic should rest on the shoulder of the opposite leg; Bend the back knee towards the floor, with the thigh of the front leg parallel to the floor and, the knee aligned with the heel; Raise the knee and torso, pushing the toes of the back leg against the floor.

If you start the exercise with your right leg in front and your left back, after completing the repetitions, you should switch legs and do the same.

Exercise for the inside of the leg

To work the inside of your thighs, you can do an exercise by tying one part of the elastic to a bar or pole and the other part of the elastic should be attached to the foot on the side of the bar. To do this exercise, just cross the elastic leg in front of the support leg.

During execution it is important to always keep the elastic stretched and the back straight. In addition, the foot with the elastic should never touch the floor, for which it is important to contract the abdomen.

Calf Exercise

The calf, also known as twin, is an area of ​​the leg that when defined, makes the leg more beautiful, as it becomes more toned and defined. Thus, you should:

  1. Lay your back on the floor, raise your legs up, fully extending them; Put the elastic over your feet, pulling it with your hands; Point your toes at your head; Point your toes at the ceiling.

In addition to these exercises, normally, all types of squats, contribute to make the leg thicker and firmer, in addition to helping to define the butt. Learn how to do it in: 6 squat exercises for glutes.

Get to know other exercises to put the thick leg in: Exercises to thicken the legs.

Elastic exercises to thicken the legs