Home Bulls Yoga exercises for pregnant women

Yoga exercises for pregnant women


Yoga exercises for pregnant women stretch and tone the muscles, relax the joints and increase the flexibility of the body, helping the pregnant woman to adapt to the physical changes that occur during pregnancy. Read about the 5 good reasons to exercise during pregnancy.

Some Yoga exercises for pregnant women can be the following:

Exercise 1

Sitting in a comfortable position, with your back erect, legs crossed, one hand under your belly and the other on your chest, take deep, gentle breaths, inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 6 seconds, as shown in the image. Repeat the exercise about 7 times.

Exercise 2

Lying down, with your feet flat on the floor and your hands stretched out beside your torso, inhale deeply and exhale, lift your hips off the floor, as shown in the image. Hold this position for 4 to 6 seconds, inhale and slowly lower your hips slowly and carefully. Repeat the exercise about 7 times.

Exercise 3

In the position of 4 supports, inhale for 4 seconds, relaxing your belly as shown in image 1. Then, when exhaling, lift your back for 6 seconds, as shown in image 2. Repeat the exercise about 7 times.

Exercise 4

When standing, take a step forward and when inhaling raise your arms around your body until your hands intertwine over your head. After exhaling, bend the knee of the front leg, keeping the back straight, as shown in the image. Hold this position for 5 breaths and repeat about 7 times.

Yoga exercises for pregnant women should be done at least twice a week, however, they can be performed every day.

Useful links:

Yoga exercises for pregnant women