Home Bulls Exercises for biceps, triceps, forearms and shoulders

Exercises for biceps, triceps, forearms and shoulders


The exercises for biceps, triceps, shoulders and forearms serve to tone and strengthen the muscles of the arm, reducing the flaccidity of this region. However, for the muscle to grow it is important to adapt the diet, consuming foods rich in proteins and in some cases, food supplements such as Whey Protein, with medical guidance. See which are the best foods to gain muscle mass.

The exercises should be performed according to the person's goal and physical preparation, and should be recommended by a physical education professional. Depending on the objective, be it muscular endurance, strength gain, weight loss or hypertrophy, the professional indicates the number of repetitions and series, intensity of training and type of exercise, and it may be indicated to perform isolated or multiarticular exercises, which are those in that all groups are activated, as for example in the bench press, in which chest, triceps and shoulders are worked, for example.

It is important to follow up with a professional so that the goal is achieved and so that there is no muscle exhaustion, it is recommended that the person rest the muscle group worked on the day and, thus, there may be gains.

Check out some exercise options for biceps, triceps, forearms and shoulders:

Exercises for biceps

Hammer thread

To perform the hammer thread, hold a dumbbell in each hand, next to the body, with the palm facing inward, and flex the elbows until the dumbbells are at shoulder height.

Thread / Direct Curl

This exercise can be done with dumbbells or the barbell. To do the exercise, you should flex and extend your elbow, preferably without moving your shoulders or making compensatory movements with your body so that your biceps can be worked out in the best way.

Exercises for triceps

French triceps

Standing, hold the dumbbell and position it behind the head, performing flexion and extension movements of the forearm. If there is compensation in the spine, that is, if the posture is misaligned, the exercise can be done sitting.

Triceps on the rope

You should hold the rope, leave the elbow close to the body and pull the rope down until the elbow is extended and then return to the starting position, which is when the forearms are close to the body. It is important to avoid pushing the shoulders so as not to tension this region.

Triceps on the bench

To do this exercise, you should sit on the floor with your legs semi-flexed or extended and place your hands on the seat of a chair or bench, making a lifting movement of the body so that all the weight of the body is in your arms, working like this, the triceps.

Forearm exercises

Wrist flexion

This exercise can be done in a bi or unilateral way. One should sit and hold a dumbbell, supporting the wrist on the knees, and raise and lower the dumbbell only with the strength of the wrist, avoiding as much as possible to activate another muscle group. Wrist flexion can also be done using the barbell or instead of the dumbbell.

Shoulder Exercises

Shoulder extension

This exercise can be done either standing or sitting and should be done by holding the dumbbells at shoulder height, with the palm facing inward, and raising the dumbbells over your head until your elbows are extended. You can also perform the same movement with your palms facing forward.

Side elevation

Hold the dumbbell with the palm facing down and raise the dumbbell sideways to shoulder height. A variation of this exercise is the front lift, in which instead of lifting laterally, the dumbbell is lifted forward.

Exercises for biceps, triceps, forearms and shoulders