Home Bulls Propolis extract: what it is for and how to use

Propolis extract: what it is for and how to use


Propolis Extract has several applications, which can be used to accelerate tissue regeneration, healing and disinfection of wounds or burns, dry pimples, treat sore throat, flu, sinus and tonsillitis and help treat respiratory problems, including irritating cough or phlegm.

This remedy can be purchased at pharmacies, health food stores or online, for a price that can vary between 8 and 20 reais, without the need for a prescription.

How to use

The Propolis Extract must be used depending on the problem to be treated and the dosage depends on the concentration of the product, the age, the place of application, among others. Therefore, the instructions on the package and the doctor's recommendation must be followed.

This extract can be used in several ways, such as applying a few drops directly to the wounds, diluting a few drops in the tea or applying it to the throat, for example. Propolis extract should not be confused with formulations that, in addition to having propolis in their composition, have other associated substances, such as honey or ginger, for example. These formulations have specific indications, which are usually mentioned on the product label.

Propolis Extract can also be used in children under the indication of the pediatrician, however, in these cases it is only indicated to use extracts without alcohol, since most extracts can contain this substance.

Possible side effects

Some of the side effects that can occur with the use of the Propolis extract may include reactions of allergy to Propolis, such as swelling, redness, itching or hives on the skin.

Therefore, to avoid serious allergic reactions, it is recommended to do a sensitivity test before using the extract, for which it is only necessary to drip 2 drops of the extract on the forearm and wait between 20 to 30 minutes and check for itching or redness in the skin. skin. To learn more about allergy testing, click here.

Who should not use

Propolis Extract is contraindicated for patients with allergies to propolis or any of the product's formula components.

In addition, versions of the extract with alcohol in the composition are also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

Propolis extract: what it is for and how to use