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Pharyngitis in baby: what it is, symptoms and how to treat


Baby pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx or throat, as it is popularly called, and it can occur at any age, being more frequent in younger children because the immune system is still developing and the habit of frequently placing hands or objects in the mouth.

Pharyngitis can be viral when caused by viruses or bacterial when caused by bacteria. The most common and severe pharyngitis is pharyngitis or streptococcal angina, which is a type of bacterial pharyngitis caused by bacteria of the type Streptococcus.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms of pharyngitis in the baby are:

  • Fever of varying intensity; The baby refuses to eat or drink: The baby cries when he eats or swallows; Dumbness; Cough; Nasal discharge; Throat red or with pus; The baby frequently complains of sore throat; head.

It is important that the symptoms of pharyngitis in the baby are immediately identified and treated according to the pediatrician's guidance, as pharyngitis can favor the occurrence of other infections and inflammations, such as sinusitis and otitis. Learn how to recognize otitis in a baby.

Causes of pharyngitis in a baby

Pharyngitis in the baby can be caused by both viruses and bacteria, with pharyngitis occurring more frequently due to infection by strep-type bacteria.

Usually, pharyngitis in the baby develops as a result of flu, cold or throat obstruction due to secretions, for example.

How the treatment is done

Baby pharyngitis treatment can be done at home and includes:

  • Give soft foods that are easy to swallow to the baby; Give the baby plenty of water and other liquids such as orange juice, for example, to the child; Give pasteurized honey to the child over 1 year of age to hydrate the throat and relieve coughing; Gargling with warm salt water for children over 5 years old; In the presence of secretions, wash the child's nose with saline.

In addition to these measures, the pediatrician may indicate the use of drugs in the treatment for pharyngitis. In case of viral pharyngitis, medications such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen to treat pain and fever, and in case of bacterial pharyngitis, antibiotics.

Inflammation of the throat caused by viruses usually resolves in about 7 days and the child usually starts to feel better 3 days after the antibiotic starts, in the case of bacterial pharyngitis, and the antibiotic should be continued according to the guidance of the pediatrician even if the symptoms disappear.

Learn other homemade measures to treat your baby's sore throat.

When to go to the doctor

It is important to take the child to the pediatrician if he has a fever or if the sore throat lasts more than 24 hours. In addition, it is recommended to go to the pediatrician if the child has difficulty breathing, is drooling a lot or has difficulty swallowing.

If the child appears to be very ill, such as being quiet for a while, not wanting to play and eat, it is also necessary to take him to the pediatrician.

Pharyngitis in baby: what it is, symptoms and how to treat