Home Bulls Phenylalanine



Phenylalanine can help with weight control because it participates in processes that regulate food intake and give the body a feeling of satiety. Phenylalanine is an amino acid that can be found naturally in foods rich in protein, such as meat, fish and milk and dairy products, and in the form of supplements sold in pharmacies and health food stores.

The use of phenylalanine supplements must be prescribed by the doctor or nutritionist and is contraindicated for people with problems such as hypertension, heart disease and pregnant women.

Action of phenylalanine on hunger control

Phenylalanine acts in the control of hunger because it participates in the formation of dopamine and norepinephrine, substances that are important for the regulation of food intake and that are also involved in the control of learning, mood and memory. In addition, phenylalanine stimulates the production of the cholecystokinin hormone, which acts in the intestine and gives the body a feeling of satiety.

Usually the recommended dose of phenylalanine is 1000 to 2000 mg per day, but it varies according to the person's characteristics, such as age, physical activity and the presence of problems such as stress and anxiety. However, phenylalanine supplementation alone is not enough to lose weight, since weight loss only happens when there is also a healthy diet.

Foods rich in phenylalanine

Phenylalanine supplement

Care that must be taken with phenylalanine supplementation

Care must be taken with phenylalanine supplementation because excess aminioacid can have side effects such as heartburn, nausea and headache. Phenylalanine is also contraindicated in cases of:

  • Heart disease; Hypertension; Pregnant or breastfeeding women; People taking medication to treat depression or other psychological disorders; People with phenylketonuria.

Thus, supplementation of phenylalanine should be guided by the doctor or nutritionist to ensure its beneficial effects.

Foods rich in phenylalanine

Phenylalanine is naturally present in foods rich in protein, such as meat, fish, milk and dairy products, nuts, soybeans, beans and corn. The consumption of phenylalanine in food does not pose health risks and only people with phenylketonuria should avoid these foods. See a complete list of foods rich in phenylalanine.

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