Home Bulls Phenoxazoline



Phenoxazoline is a nasal decongestant used by children and adults in cases of rhinitis and sinusitis. This medicine can be marketed under the name Rinolon by the EMS laboratory and must be applied directly to the nose through the drip.

The medication helps to decrease symptoms such as runny nose or difficulty breathing, improving breathing. However, its use should only be carried out on the recommendation of the doctor.


Phenoxazoline costs between 4 to 6 reais.


Phenoxazoline is indicated for the treatment of rhinitis, rhinitis and sinusitis. It is also indicated in the prevention of auricular and sinus barotraumatisms and in nose surgeries.

How to use

Generally, the use of Fenoxazoline is indicated by the doctor, being that in:

  • Children between 2 and 5 years: 0.5 mg / ml bottles are used, making 2 to 4 daily instillations of 2 drops. Adults and children over 6 years: vials of 1mg / ml, making an average of 2 to 4 daily instillations of 2 drops.

In addition, to use Fenoxazoline one must lean back and compress the liquid in one nostril and inhale deeply, repeating the maneuver in the other nostril.

Side effects

Phenoxazoline generally causes a dry nasal sensation. In case of prolonged use it can cause headache, insomnia or palpitation.


This drug is contraindicated for patients with closed-angle glaucoma.

In addition, Fenoxazoline, should only be used by medical indication in cases of hypertension, cardiac disorders and hyperthyroidism.
