Home Bulls Fexofenadine



Fexofenadine is an antihistamine medication used to treat allergic rhinitis and other allergies.

The drug can be sold commercially under the names Allegra D, Rafex or Allexofedrin and is produced by the Medley, EMS, Sanofi Synthelabo or Nova Química laboratories. This medicine can only be purchased in pharmacies in the form of pills or oral suspension.

Fexofenadine price

The price of Fexofenadine varies between 15 and 54 reais.

Indications of Fexofenadine

Fexofenadine is indicated for the relief of symptoms, such as sneezing, runny and itchy nose. In addition, it relieves tearing, itching and burning eyes.

How to use Fexofenadine

The method of use of Fexofenadine should only be used from the age of 12 and depends on the dose:

  • Fexofenadine 120 mg: intake of 1 tablet per day and used to relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis; Fexofenadine 180 mg: ingestion of 1 tablet to relieve the symptoms of skin allergies, such as chronic urticaria.

The dose to be taken should be indicated by the allergist physician according to the patient's characteristics and should be taken with water before meals or on an empty stomach.

In addition, it should not be taken with juices, soft drinks or coffees, as they alter the effects of the medication.

Side Effects of Fexofenadine

The main side effects of Fexofenadine include headache, drowsiness, nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, nausea and sleep disorders.

Contraindications to Fexofenadine

Fexofenadine is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to any component of the formula. In addition, use by pregnant or lactating women should be controlled and only under medical guidance.

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