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How to speed up recovery from female phimosis


Female phimosis consists of the adherence of the small lips of the vagina, making them stick together and cover the vaginal opening, however it does not even cover the clitoris or the urethra, which is the hole through which the urine passes. This problem is quite common in girls up to three years of age, but it can persist until around 10 years of age, requiring surgery to treat the problem.

The cause of female phimosis is still not well established, however, it can arise due to the low concentration of female hormones, which is characteristic of this age, and irritation of the mucosa of the vagina by contact with urine or feces in the diaper.

Treatment for female phimosis is done according to the pediatrician's guidance and is usually done using specific ointments, such as Postec, for example. If the ointment is not enough to promote the detachment of the labia minora, surgery may be indicated.

It is very important to carry out the treatment in the correct way, as female phimosis can increase the chances of having urinary infections, discharge, pain when urinating and smelly urine.

How to treat female phimosis

The treatment of female phimosis is usually started after 12 months of age with the application of an estrogen-based ointment on the affected region, about 3 times a day, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks.

Ointments for female phimosis are usually sufficient to treat the problem, however phimosis may reoccur and it may be necessary to re-apply the ointment or resort to surgery, for example. See which ointments are used for phimosis.

Surgery for female phimosis

Surgery for female phimosis is more used in cases where there is a total closure of the vagina, not allowing the girl to urinate properly, or when it was not possible to correct the problem with just the application of the ointment.

Generally, surgery is performed under local anesthesia in the pediatrician's office and, therefore, hospitalization is not necessary. The main care is to apply the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory ointments prescribed by the doctor to prevent infections. Find out how phimosis surgery is performed.

How to speed up recovery from female phimosis

During treatment for female phimosis, it is important to take some precautions such as:

  • Perform the intimate hygiene of the child from the vagina to the anus; Wear cotton underwear and avoid tight or tight clothing; Use neutral soaps or indicated by the pediatrician to do the child's intimate hygiene, avoiding products with aromas or smells; Prevent the child from touching the intimate area; Place ointment for diaper rash only on the anal area, if necessary.

This care speeds up treatment and prevents the reappearance of phimosis, if it has already been treated with the ointment or surgery.

How to speed up recovery from female phimosis