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How urogynecological physiotherapy is performed


Urogynecological physiotherapy is a specialty of physiotherapy that aims to treat various changes related to the pelvic floor, such as urinary, fecal incontinence, sexual dysfunction and genital prolapses, for example, improving quality of life and sexual performance.

The muscles that make up the pelvic floor aim to control urine and feces and support various organs, but due to aging, disease, surgery or multiple deliveries, the muscles lose strength and result in several problems that can be quite uncomfortable and even even limiting. Thus, gynecological physiotherapy is performed to strengthen these muscles and treat these changes.

Urogynecological physiotherapy can be performed with the help of several resources according to the treatment objective, and electrostimulation, biofeedback or specific exercises can be used. Understand what urogynecology is.

What is it for

Urogynecological physiotherapy aims to strengthen the pelvic muscles in order to bring health benefits. Thus, this type of physiotherapy can be recommended in the case of:

  • Urinary and fecal incontinence, these being the main reasons why this type of physiotherapy is performed. See what are the most common questions about urinary incontinence; Genital prolapse, which corresponds to the descent of the pelvic organs, such as the bladder and uterus, for example, due to the weakening of the muscles. Understand what uterine prolapse is; Pelvic pain, which can happen due to endometriosis, dysmenorrhea or during sexual intercourse; Sexual dysfunctions, such as anorgasmia, vaginismus, pain during sexual intercourse and, in the case of men, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation; Intestinal constipation, which can also happen due to pelvic floor dysfunctions.

In addition, urogynecological physiotherapy can be useful in preparing for childbirth and in postpartum recovery, as it allows women to assimilate their body changes and facilitates recovery after childbirth. However, it is necessary that this type of physiotherapy be done with the assistance of a qualified professional and it is contraindicated for women who have a problem during pregnancy.

Urogynecological physiotherapy is also recommended for people who have undergone pelvic surgery, as it helps in their rehabilitation, but it can also be performed preventively.

How it is done

Urogynecological physiotherapy is performed by a specialized physiotherapist and with the help of various resources according to the treatment objective, such as:

  • Electrostimulation, which is done with the objective of promoting the toning of the pelvic floor, decreasing the perianal pain and decreasing the activity of the bladder muscles during its filling, which can then be recommended in the treatment of urinary incontinence, for example; Biofeedback, whose principle is to measure the muscle activity of the region, evaluating the contraction, coordination and relaxation of the muscles; Kinesiotherapy, which is based on the practice of exercises, such as Kegel exercises, which promote the gain of strength in the pelvic muscles. Learn how to practice Kegel exercises.

In addition to these resources, the physiotherapist can also choose to use perianal massager, voiding calendar and hypopressive gymnastics, for example. Discover 7 benefits of hypopressive gymnastics.

How urogynecological physiotherapy is performed