Home Bulls Excessive flatulence

Excessive flatulence


Excessive flatulence is characterized by the elimination of gases by the body frequently.

Generally, the human being excretes 700 ml of gas per day, however, sometimes the volume of gas excreted exceeds this value causing discomfort and embarrassment.

Causes of Excessive Flatulence

The causes of excessive flatulence can be related to several factors, such as: anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, food intolerances, physical inactivity and poor eating habits.

Symptoms of Excessive Flatulence

Flatulence may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal CrampsDilated AbdominalHard AbdominalDiarrhea Constipation

Treatment for Excessive Flatulence

The presence of gases does not indicate any serious illness, so flatulence can be reduced with the following habits:

  • Do not talk while eating to avoid ingesting air. Avoid chewing gum. Avoid drinking fizzy drinks.

If the individual has other symptoms, such as bleeding from the anus, weight loss, anorexia and anemia, along with excessive flatulence, he should see a doctor to diagnose the source of the problem.

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Excessive flatulence