Home Bulls What is flebon for

What is flebon for


Flebon is a drug indicated for the treatment of blood vessel fragility and swelling in the legs, the prevention of complications caused by venous insufficiency and the prevention of traveler syndrome, which can result from immobility to which the passenger is subjected, for long hours and that predisposes you to thrombosis.

This remedy has in its composition dry extract of Pinus pinaster bark , also known as Pinheiro Marítimo, and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies for a price of about 40 to 55 reais, upon presentation of a prescription.

How to take

The Flebon dose varies according to the problem to be treated:

  • Venous circulatory problems, vessel fragility and swelling: The recommended dose is 1 50 mg tablet, 3 times a day, for 30 to 60 days; Traveler's syndrome: The recommended dose is 4 tablets, which should be taken about 3 hours before boarding, 4 tablets 6 hours after the first dose and 2 tablets the next day.

If necessary, the doctor can change the dosage.

How it works

This medicine has in its composition vegetable extract from the peels of Pinus pinaster Aiton, which includes numerous constituents, such as procyanidins and their precursors and phenolic acids, which neutralize the action of free radicals of nitric oxide, prevent the oxidation of LDL in blood vessels, thanks to its anti-oxidant action, preventing the formation of atheromatous plaque and reducing platelet aggregation, preventing the occurrence of thrombosis.

In addition, they also have action on blood vessels, increasing their resistance, facilitating microcirculation and reducing vascular permeability, thus preventing swelling.

Find out more about treatment for poor circulation.

Possible side effects

Flebon is generally well tolerated, however, although it is rare, side effects such as stomach discomfort or pain may occur. To avoid this discomfort, the medication can be taken after meals.

Who should not take

This remedy is contraindicated for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as for people with allergies to Pinus pinaster extracts or any of the components of the formula.

What is flebon for