Home Bulls Bach flowers: what are they for and how to take them

Bach flowers: what are they for and how to take them


Bach flower remedies are essences of flowers and plants that can be used as a complementary treatment against diseases and emotional imbalances. They have no side effects or contraindications and can be used by all ages, even children.

Flower therapy is completely natural and uses a total of 38 types of essences, each essence having a different indication and can be taken alone or mixed depending on the symptoms or emotions felt at the time.

One of the principles of Bach flower remedies is that the individual's emotional state influences physical well-being by producing or curing diseases. It is believed that positive thinking can help to cure diseases and promote well-being and that negative thoughts can cause physical or emotional illness. Based on this principle, the doctor who created the Bach remedies developed several essences that, when ingested, can help in curing physical or emotional illnesses.

Main types of flower therapy

Bach Rescue Flowers

The floral of Bach rescue remedy is indicated for cases of emergencies such as serious accidents, anguish, fear or terror, being composed of the following essences: Rock Rose, Impatiens, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis and Cherry Plum. This floral gives comfort, balance and calm, but should be used for a short period of time, not substituting common sense and responsibility for your own physical and mental well-being.

Bach flower remedies for better sleep

Some examples of Bach flower remedies for insomnia are:

  • White Chestnut flower essence; Aspen flower essence; Rock Rose flower essence; Agrimony flower essence; Scleranthus flower essence; Walnut flower essence; Willow flower essence; Impatiens flower essence.

These remedies are indicated for combating insomnia, improving sleep quality, but should only be used under the guidance of the herbalist.

Bach remedies for anxiety

Some examples of Bach flower remedies for anxiety are:

  • Agrimony flower essence; Impatiens flower essence; Larck flower essence; Red Chestnut flower essence.

These remedies are useful to fight anxiety, helping the individual to be calmer, but sometimes, it is necessary to complement the treatment with the use of medicines that are bought in pharmacies.

Bach remedies for depression

Some examples of Bach flower remedies for depression are:

  • Essence of Gentian; Essence of Gorse; Essence of Mustard; Essence of Star of Bethlehem; Essence of Olive.

One of the options is to use one of these essences in isolation, but you can use the mixture of these 5 flower essences to enhance the results. Although it is useful in combating depression, sometimes it is necessary to use the medicines you buy at the pharmacy simultaneously.

How to take the Bach flower remedies

To use Bach flower remedies, you must buy a package with the ideal essence for your treatment, and dilute 2 drops of the essence in a little water and then drink it twice a day. It is advisable to take the same essence for at least 2 months and then evaluate the results.

Price and where to buy

The price of Bach flowers varies between 10 and 20 reais and can be purchased at health food stores, drugstores or on the internet.

Bach flowers: what are they for and how to take them