Home Bulls Florate



Florate is an ophthalmic anti-inflammatory medication that has Fluormetolone as its active substance.

This medication used is indicated for inflammation in the eyes or burning in the cornea, since its action reduces the irritation, pain and itching resulting from the inflammation. The absorption of Florate is rapid, with the improvement of symptoms shortly after administration of the medicine.

Florate indications

Eye inflammation; corneal burn.

Florate Price

Florate in 5ml drops costs approximately 17 reais.

Side Effects of Florate

Cataract formation; glaucoma; increased intraocular pressure; herpes simplex; perforation of the eyeball; pricking or burning sensation in the eyes; sensitivity to bright lights.

Contraindications of Florate

Pregnancy risk C; lactating women; keratitis caused by herpes simplex; eye disease caused by viruses; eye infection caused by fungi; acute and untreated pus infection in the eye; ocular tuberculosis; Hipersensibility to any of the formula's components.

How to use Florate

Ophthalmic use

Adults and teenager

  • Drip 1 or 2 drops of the medicine in the eyes 2 to 4 times a day. In severe cases, 1 or 2 drops of the drug should be dripped into the eyes every hour, gradually reducing as the symptoms improve.