Home Bulls Flunarizine



Flunarizine is a medication used in most cases to treat vertigo and dizziness associated with ear problems. In addition, it can also be used to treat migraine in adults and the treatment is done with the use of pills indicated by the doctor.

This medicine is known commercially as Flunarin, Fluvert, Sibelium or Vertix and can only be purchased at pharmacies with a prescription.

Flunarizine Price

The price of the box with 50 Flunarizine tablets is about 9 reais.

Indications for Flunarizine

The use of Flunarizine is indicated to treat:

  • Dizziness and dizziness due to hearing problems; Ménière's disease when hearing loss and ringing in the ears; Brain diseases where there is loss of memory, changes in sleep and changes in behavior; Changes in blood vessels; Raynaud's syndrome; Blood changes that affect the circulation of the feet and hands due to diabetes complications.

In addition, it can also be used to treat migraine when there is aura and visual changes such as blurred vision, flashing lights and bright spots.

How to use Flunarizine

The use of Flunarizine should only be indicated by the doctor and the doctor usually recommends 10 mg in a single dose at night before bed for adults, and the treatment can vary from a few weeks to a few months.

Side Effects of Flunarizine

Some side effects of using Flunarizine include drowsiness, excessive tiredness, blurred vision and double vision.

Contraindications for Flunarizine

This medication should not be used in the case of Parkinson's disease, history of extrapyramidal reactions, mental depression and in pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding.
