Home Bulls Iron-rich fruits

Iron-rich fruits


Iron is an essential nutrient for the functioning of the body, as it is involved in the process of transporting oxygen, activity of the muscles and the nervous system. This nutrient is obtained naturally through food, and fruits are a great source of iron.

The advantage of using fruits rich in iron is that they are, in general, also rich in vitamin C, an indispensable element for the absorption of iron of plant origin by the body, and help to prevent or treat anemia, for example. See other foods rich in iron.

Knowing which fruits are rich in iron is important for vegetarians, for example, as they do not consume meat, which is an excellent source of iron. Therefore, it is important that they seek alternatives to the source of iron to avoid deficiency diseases, such as anemia. Know what a vegetarian should eat to avoid anemia.

Importance of iron

The main source of iron is food, with consumption of 10mg of iron for men and women in menopause, and 15mg for women in fertile period. Through adequate consumption of iron, the body is able to maintain its proper functioning.

Iron is one of the constituents of hemoglobin, which is a structure present in red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen, thus, it is directly associated with the transport of oxygen to the body, allowing its functioning. In the absence of iron, hemoglobin cannot transport oxygen, compromising all the body's functions. Thus, lack of iron may be associated with shortness of breath, tiredness, increased heart rate and greater susceptibility to infections, as iron is also involved in the functioning of the immune system.

The lack of iron is very associated with the occurrence of anemia, which has symptoms such as weakness, drowsiness and lack of appetite. See how to identify anemia.

Iron-rich fruits

Iron-rich fruits are a great alternative to enrich the iron diet and also serve as a complementary alternative in the prevention and treatment of anemia in children, adults or pregnant women. Some examples of fruits that contain iron are:

Fruit Weight Amount of iron
Strawberry 152 g 0.6 mg
Avocado 100 g 1 mg
Dried apricot 14 g 0.66 mg
Coconut 33 g 0.79 mg
Cherry 145 g 0.57 mg
Pink or red grape 160 g 0.42 mg
Raisins 36 g 1.75 mg
Blackberry 72 g 0.41 mg

To enhance the absorption of iron present in these fruits, one should avoid the consumption of foods with calcium in the same meal, because calcium decreases the absorption of iron.

Nuts and peanuts are other foods of vegetable origin with a high iron content and, therefore, are an excellent alternative to enrich the afternoon snack, for example.

Iron-rich fruits