Home Bulls Fungol



Fungol is an antimycotic medication used to treat various types of ringworm, such as nail or skin ringworm, for example.

In its composition, Fungol contains iodine, potassium chloride, salicylic acid and boric acid.

Fungol contains is produced by Sanofi laboratories and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of a bottle with 30 ml of liquid for topical application.

What is Fungol for

Fungol is used to treat athlete's foot, skin ringworm, nail ringworm and scalp ringworm.

How to use Fungol

The method of using Fungol consists of applying the liquid over the affected region, 2 to 3 times a day.

Usually, the symptoms of ringworm are reduced up to 14 days after starting treatment with Fungol, however, if the symptoms remain the same it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to diagnose the problem and start the appropriate treatment.

See other ways to treat ringworm of the nail: Treatment for ringworm of the nail.
