Home Bulls Glaucoma: which tests confirm the diagnosis

Glaucoma: which tests confirm the diagnosis


The only way to confirm the diagnosis of glaucoma is to go to the ophthalmologist to perform tests that can identify whether the pressure inside the eye is high, which is what characterizes the disease.

Normally, the glaucoma exam is done when there are signs of suspected glaucoma such as changes in the routine eye exam, for example, but it can also be used on people who are at a higher risk of developing glaucoma, especially when there is a family history of the disease.

See what are the possible symptoms of glaucoma and who is most at risk.

Glaucoma online test

This test serves to guide you on your risk of developing glaucoma, based on your family history and other risk factors:

  • 1 2 3 4 5

Choose only the statement that best suits you.

Start the test

My family history:
  • I have no family member with glaucoma. My child has glaucoma. At least one of my grandparents, father or mother has glaucoma.

My race is:
  • White, descendant of Europeans. Indigenous.Oriental.Mixed, typically Brazilian. Black.

My age is:
  • Under 40 years. Between 40 and 49 years. Between 50 and 59 years. 60 years or more.

My eye pressure on previous exams was:
  • Less than 21 mmHg. Between 21 and 25 mmHg. More than 25 mmHg. I don't know the value or I never took the eye pressure test.

What can I say about my health:
  • I'm healthy and I don't have any disease. I have a disease but I don't take corticosteroids. I have diabetes or myopia. I use corticosteroids regularly. I have some eye disease.

However, this test does not replace the doctor's diagnosis, and it is always recommended to consult an ophthalmologist if there is a suspicion of having glaucoma.

Main exams for glaucoma

To make a correct diagnosis of glaucoma it is important to consult the ophthalmologist to do different tests that include:

1. Tonometry (eye pressure)

The eye pressure test, also known as tonometry, evaluates the pressure inside the eye, which, in cases of glaucoma, is usually greater than 22 mmHg.

How it is done: the ophthalmologist applies eye drops to anesthetize the eye and then uses a device, called a tonometer, to apply light pressure on the eye to assess the pressure inside the eye.

2. Ophthalmoscopy (optic nerve)

The exam to evaluate the optic nerve, scientifically called ophthalmoscopy, is a test that examines the shape and color of the optic nerve to identify if there are any injuries that may have been caused by glaucoma.

How it is done: the doctor applies eye drops to dilate the pupil of the eye and then uses a small flashlight to illuminate the eye and observe the optic nerve, assessing whether there are changes in the nerve.

3. Perimetry (visual field)

The test to assess the visual field, also called perimetry, helps the ophthalmologist to identify if there are losses of field of vision caused by glaucoma, especially in the lateral view.

How it is done: In the case of the Confrontation Field, the ophthalmologist asks the patient to look ahead without moving his eyes and then passes a flashlight from side to side in front of the eyes, and the patient must always warn when he stops. see the light. The most used, however, is Automated Perimetry. See more details about the Campimetry exam.

4. Gonioscopy (type of glaucoma)

The test used to assess the type of glaucoma is gonioscopy which determines the angle between the iris and the cornea, and when it is open it can be a sign of chronic open-angle glaucoma and when it is narrow it can be a sign of closed-angle glaucoma, be it chronic or acute.

How it is done: the doctor applies an anesthetic eye drops to the eye and then places a lens over the eye that contains a small mirror that allows you to observe the angle that forms between the iris and the cornea.

5. Pachymetry (corneal thickness)

The exam to assess the thickness of the cornea, also known as pachymetry, helps the doctor to understand if the reading of intraocular pressure, provided by tonometry, is correct or if it is affected by a very thick cornea, for example.

How it is done: the ophthalmologist places a small device in front of each eye that measures the thickness of the cornea.

Watch the following video and better understand what glaucoma is and what treatment options are available:

Other necessary exams

In addition to the tests indicated above, the ophthalmologist may also order other imaging tests to better evaluate the ocular structures. Some of these tests include: Color Retinography, Anteritra Retinography, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), GDx vcc and HRT, for example.

If your glaucoma exam has indicated that you have glaucoma, see how to treat glaucoma.

Glaucoma: which tests confirm the diagnosis