Hypoglycemia occurs when blood glucose (sugar) values are lower than normal, and for most people this means a decrease in blood glucose to values below 70 mg / dL.
Since glucose is an important fuel for the brain, when blood glucose is very low, there may be changes in the functioning of the organ, and there may be several types of symptoms, the most common of which include dizziness, nausea, mental confusion, palpitations and even fainting.
Because it affects brain function, hypoglycemia should be treated as soon as possible, which can be done with the intake of carbohydrates, in the form of juices or sweets, for example.
Main symptoms
Symptoms of hypoglycemia tend to appear quickly and can vary from person to person, however, the most common include:
- Tremors; Dizziness; Weakness; Cold sweats; Headache; Blurry vision; Confusion; Paleness; Heart palpitations.
These symptoms usually arise when blood glucose is below 70 mg / dl, however, some people may tolerate lower values, while others may experience symptoms even at higher values.
How the treatment is done
Treatment for hypoglycemia depends on the severity of the symptoms and whether the person has diabetes or not. Generally, it is advised that, when you notice the first symptoms of hypoglycemia, which include dizziness, cold sweat, blurred vision, mental confusion and nausea, sweet foods and drinks rich in simple carbohydrates should be eaten, if the person is conscious.
What to do when the person is in a hypoglycemic crisis, is:
- Ingest about 15 to 20 g of carbohydrate in liquid form, so that it can be absorbed more quickly, such as natural orange juice or cola-based or guarana-based soft drink, in which case it is recommended to ingest about 100 to 150 mL of soda. If the carbohydrate source is not liquid, you can eat sweets, chocolates and honey, for example. Therefore, it is important to have an immediate carbohydrate source nearby so that it can be consumed in an emergency; Measure glucose after about 15 minutes of sugar intake. If it is found that blood glucose is still below 70 mg / dL, it is recommended that the person eat again 15 to 20g of carbohydrate until the glucose value is normalized; Make a snack rich in carbohydrates, when it is verified by measuring glucose that the values are within normal values. Some snack options include bread, toast or crackers. This makes glucose always present in the blood.
Treatment can also be done through the use of injectable Glucagon, which must be purchased with a prescription and administered as an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection according to medical advice. Glucagon is a hormone produced by the pancreas that has the function of preventing the action of insulin, causing glucose to remain circulating in the blood.
However, in cases of drowsiness, fainting or seizures, it is necessary to call the mobile emergency service (SAMU 192) so that the necessary measures are taken, normally glucose is administered directly into the vein. Find out what first aid is for hypoglycemia.
Possible causes
As important as the treatment, it is also the identification of the cause of hypoglycemia, the most frequent cause being the wrong use of medicines to treat diabetes, such as insulin, for example, leading to an excessive decrease in blood glucose levels.
Hypoglycemia can also happen due to consumption of alcoholic beverages, use of certain medications, after surgery, prolonged fasting, hormonal deficiencies, infections, liver, kidney or heart diseases, for example. Learn more about what can cause hypoglycemia.
How to prevent hypoglycemia
Some general recommendations to prevent new episodes of hypoglycemia, especially for diabetics, are:
- Decrease consumption of white sugar, alcohol and foods prepared with wheat flour; Make at least 4 daily meals containing fruits and vegetables in at least 2 of them; Do not skip meals; Follow a diet guided by a nutritionist who has ideal amounts of carbohydrates; Avoid alcoholic beverages; Exercise regularly and moderately; Decrease daily stress; Be careful not to make mistakes in medication doses, since the use of very high doses of diabetes medicines, such as insulin and Metformin, for example, they can greatly lower the blood glucose level, resulting in hypoglycemia.
It is also recommended that people with diabetes, especially those who use insulin, have devices to measure glucose or easy access to the health center so that their blood glucose can be monitored frequently.