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Does hpv cure alone?


Spontaneous remission of HPV usually occurs between 4 months to 2 years after infection with the virus. However, when a person is infected with a type of virus with a high risk of developing cancer, such as type 16 or 18, spontaneous cure can be more difficult to achieve.

See what other diseases spontaneous remission can happen in.

Although there is treatment for the symptoms of HPV, there is still no antiviral drug capable of eliminating the virus permanently from the body, and this is only possible when the immune system is able to fight it. Thus, it can be said that not everyone can have a spontaneous HPV cure.

Therefore, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist, in the case of women, or a urologist in the case of men, when symptoms that indicate HPV appear, such as genital warts, for example, to identify the type of HPV virus and initiate the appropriate treatment. Check for signs of: HPV symptoms.

Tips to speed up HPV healing

To speed up the healing of HPV it is important to strengthen the immune system and, for that, some natural ways include:

  • Include foods that strengthen the immune system, such as carrots, strawberries or garlic, at least in 1 meal. See other foods at: Immunity-boosting foods; Exercise regularly at least 3 times a week; Do relaxing activities, such as yoga, reading or walking, to reduce stress; Avoid eating canned, pre-prepared and full foods of preservatives;

In addition, it is also advised to avoid intimate contact without a condom, as it facilitates infection with other types of the HPV virus, increasing the risk of developing cancer.

If, even after following all these tips, HPV shows symptoms such as small wounds and skin lesions, the doctor can indicate the treatment that can be done with medicines to apply in the region, use of laser or medicines to strengthen the immune system.

HPV treatment is important to eliminate warts, prevent cancer and to prevent transmission to the baby at the time of delivery. The choice of treatment depends on the number, severity and size of the lesions. Learn more at: HPV treatment.

Does hpv cure alone?