Home Pregnancy How to identify and treat anorexia and bulimia in pregnancy

How to identify and treat anorexia and bulimia in pregnancy


Pregorexia is an eating disorder where the pregnant woman refuses to eat, or is always counting the calories in food, and exaggerates in physical exercise for fear of gaining weight, which can put her and her baby's life at risk.

As in the case of anorexia and bulimia, it is common for pregnant women to hide their excessive concern about other people's weight, but their attitudes may make it clear that this is an eating disorder, and that she needs to be accompanied by a psychologist and by a nutritionist. Mainly because food is important to nourish the baby and ensure its development in a healthy way.

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Attention: This calculator is not suitable for multiple pregnancies.

Signs of anorexia or bulimia in pregnancy

It can be suspected that the pregnant woman has anorexia or bulimia when the following signs are present:

Anorexia Bulimia
Eat little, refuse to eat Periods when you eat a lot, but vomit soon after
Underweight in pregnancy Frequent sore throat
Know the calories of food by heart and always be concerned about it Dental problems such as frequent gingivitis and cavities
Always state that you are not hungry Callus on fingers
Do intense physical activity every day Go to the bathroom right after eating or drinking

In any case, it is common for the pregnant woman to be very satisfied when someone says: 'It doesn't look like she is pregnant, nor does she have a belly', which usually causes distress and concern in mothers who eat properly.

This type of eating disorder can arise during pregnancy or before the woman knows she is pregnant, and it is always necessary to be accompanied by a professional because it is common for pregnant women to think that their behavior does not harm the baby's health, but they may be underweight or expected size for gestational age.

What to do to ensure baby's health

The mother's diet during pregnancy is very important for the baby to grow in a healthy way, so if there is a suspicion of anorexia or bulimia, the pregnant woman should be guided by the nutritionist to know what to eat daily. A psychologist can also help you cope with the difficulty of eating properly by improving the family's health and well-being.

It is generally recommended that the pregnant woman eat at least 5 meals a day, always eating different foods so that the baby receives as many nutrients as possible. There is no need to eat for two, but the meals should be a little more volume than usual, because the woman's body uses more calories to keep the baby's development. Learn how to eat healthy during pregnancy to avoid putting on weight unnecessarily.

Exercises you can do in pregnancy

Exercising during pregnancy is a great way to avoid excessive weight gain at this stage, and it also improves cardiac and respiratory functioning, which also helps in the recovery of childbirth.

If the woman was already doing physical activity during pregnancy, she will be able to do almost any type of exercise, as long as there are no jumps or the risk of falling. However, at this stage it is better to take less weight in the gym's weight training classes and running is not the best choice for cardiovascular exercise.

The best exercises to practice in pregnancy include Yoga, Pilates, Water aerobics and even weight training, as long as it is light. See more examples of exercises you can do during pregnancy.

How to identify and treat anorexia and bulimia in pregnancy