Home Bulls Best anti-wrinkle to use in menopause

Best anti-wrinkle to use in menopause


With advancing age and the onset of menopause, the skin becomes less elastic, thinner and looks more aged due to the decrease in the amount of the hormones progesterone and estrogen in the body, which affects the production of collagen and weakens all layers of the skin.

Thus, from 40 or 50 years old it is common to notice a marked growth of wrinkles, their depth and the development of dark spots on the skin that take time to disappear. To combat this problem, there are some moisturizing creams that contain progesterone and that can be applied daily to combat these changes.

Although this can be a great solution to restore elasticity to the skin, they are not able to maintain adequate skin hydration and, therefore, the woman must maintain the hormone replacement recommended by the gynecologist, as this is the best way to maintain the skin properly hydrated.

Where to buy

This type of face creams can only be purchased at compounding pharmacies, as the formula should be created for each woman, but it is usually made with about 2% progesterone.

Thus, there are no creams ready to buy in supermarkets or pharmacies, the only ones being vaginal creams, used to treat dryness in the intimate region, also common in menopause. If you also suffer from this problem, see how you can treat vaginal dryness naturally.

When and how to use

Progesterone creams are indicated for women over 40, and can be used since the first symptoms of menopause appear, to delay the aging process of the skin.

To get all the effects of the cream, apply a thin layer of cream on the face before bed. In the morning, you should apply a moisturizing cream with sunscreen to maintain the effect of the night cream and avoid the appearance of spots on the skin caused by the sun.

In addition, it is necessary to maintain the hormone replacement treatment indicated by the gynecologist to combat other symptoms of this stage of life and help maintain skin hydration.

Who should not use

This type of creams is well tolerated and, therefore, there are no known side effects of its use. However, as it has hormones in its composition, it should only be used with the indication of a doctor, not being indicated for women with liver disease, vaginal bleeding or who suspect pregnancy.

Best anti-wrinkle to use in menopause