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Find out which foods are good for the liver


In case of symptoms of liver problems, such as abdominal bloating, headache and pain in the right side of the abdomen, it is recommended to eat light and detoxifying foods, such as artichokes, broccoli, fruits and vegetables, for example.

When the liver is not good, you should not eat heavy and fatty foods, such as fried foods, canned and embedded yellow cheeses, you should not drink soft drinks or drink any type of alcoholic beverage.

Best Liver Foods

The best foods for the liver are those that improve its functioning and decrease the risk of fat deposition in that organ. Thus, the best foods for the liver are:

  • Artichoke, as it is able to decrease liver toxicity and regulate cholesterol; Vegetables with dark and bitter leaves; Broccoli, as it prevents the accumulation of fat; Nuts and nuts, as they are rich in omega-3 and vitamin E, reducing the possibility of fat deposition in the liver; Olive oil, as it is rich in antioxidants, being able to control the production of enzymes by the liver and decrease the deposition of fat in the organ; Beet juice, as it helps to reduce the symptoms of inflammation in the liver and regulate the production of enzymes; Fruits and vegetables, as they can help control the amount of sugar in the blood and decrease fat absorption.

It is interesting to eat a portion of fruit at each meal of the day and it should consist of a salad and about 100 grams of lean grilled meat, such as chicken breast, for example. It is important to consume food for the liver daily, following the advice of the nutritionist, preferably. Learn how to diet for the liver.

In addition, coconut water is great for replenishing mineral salts and hydrating the body. Generally, the natural ones are tastier and more nutritious than those found in supermarkets.

Liver teas

The consumption of teas can also help to purify the liver, such as jurubeba tea, thistle tea and bilberry tea, for example, which due to the presence of the lactone compound, helps in the digestion of ingested fats, in addition to helping digestion. These medicinal plants have properties that help in detoxifying the liver and can be consumed daily.

In addition to eating adequate food and drinking teas to improve the liver, it is important to rest, sleeping 8 hours of sleep in a row, but in addition, efforts should be avoided during the day, trying to remain calm and relaxed, to help the body recover up as soon as possible. Find out more about these natural treatments in home remedy for the liver.

Worst liver foods

The worst foods for the liver are those that hinder their functioning, such as fried foods, foods high in fat, spices, artificial sauces and processed meats, such as ham, turkey breast, sausage, sausage, bacon, among others.

In addition, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages can result in inflammation of the liver, impairing its functioning.

What to do after exaggeration?

To end the feeling of a swollen belly or liver, it is important to:

  • Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine; Avoid eating fried foods, fatty and sweet foods; Drinking plenty of water; Drinking teas with detoxifying properties; Eating fruits; Eating light and detoxifying foods such as apples, beets and lemons; Avoid eating too much carbohydrate.

It is also important to perform physical activities to improve well-being and the feeling of bloating.

Find out which foods are good for the liver