Home Bulls Best exercises to lose belly (to do at home and on the street)

Best exercises to lose belly (to do at home and on the street)


Aerobic exercises are those that work with large muscle groups, making the lungs and heart have to work harder because more oxygen needs to reach the cells.

Some examples are walking and running, which burn localized fat and help decrease fatty deposits in the liver and, consequently, blood cholesterol levels. The main benefits of aerobic exercise in weight loss are:

  • Burn the fat accumulated under the skin, between the viscera and in the liver; Combat stress, decreasing the amount of cortisol - hormone linked to stress; Improve well-being due to the release of endorphins into the bloodstream.

However, in order to lose weight and lose belly, it is necessary to increase the difficulty of the exercise that is done and to reduce the caloric expenditure that you eat through food.

Aerobic exercises to do at home

Skipping rope, dancing to your favorite music, following the directions of an application on your smartphone or a Zumba DVD can be great alternatives for those who don't want to go to the gym. It can also be useful to have an exercise bike at home or other fitness equipment that can be purchased at sporting goods stores.

Another possibility is to invest in video games like Wii where you can follow the instructions of a virtual teacher or simply dance on a platform on this console.

Aerobic exercises to do on the street

Aerobic exercises can also be performed on the street, in the park or near the beach, for example. In this case, one should prefer to train at the coolest times of the day, protecting the skin from the sun, and always having water or isotonics to hydrate.

Walking, running, cycling or rollerblading are some excellent options for practicing alone or with a partner. Remember that during training, your breathing needs to become a little more wheezing in order to lose weight.

Here's how to do a walking workout to start burning fat.

Workout to burn fat and lose belly

An aerobic workout to burn fat and lose belly should be done for at least 30 minutes and should be repeated 3 to 5 times a week. Initially it is not necessary to worry about the heart rate of training, just ensure that your breathing is always more labored, but you are still able to speak, but it is outside your comfort area.

Find out what is the ideal heart rate for weight loss.

If it is not possible to train for 30 minutes, you can start with 15 minutes in the first week, but you must increase the training time in order to burn more calories and thus be able to lose weight. If you do not exercise and are thinking about starting, it is recommended to go to the doctor before starting training to assess your heart health.

Food to lose belly

See 3 essential guidelines for burning fat and losing belly in this video with nutritionist Tatiana Zanin:

Best exercises to lose belly (to do at home and on the street)