Home Bulls Complete shoulder workout: 5 best exercises (and how to do them)

Complete shoulder workout: 5 best exercises (and how to do them)


Training the shoulder is as important as training any other muscle group in the body, because the muscles and joints that make up the shoulders are important to ensure stability and strength to the upper limbs and allow movements such as raising the arms and moving them forward, back and side.

It is important that in addition to the shoulders, biceps, triceps and forearms are trained so that there are better results related to the process of hypertrophy and decreased flaccidity, for example.

In addition, it is recommended that a trained professional accompany you to adapt each exercise to your individual goals and body type, in addition to following up with a nutritionist to adapt your diet. See also what are the best exercises for chest, biceps and triceps.

1. Shoulder development or extension

The development or extension of shoulders can be done standing or sitting with dumbbells or the barbell. The movement should be performed by holding the dumbbells or the barbell with the palm facing forward and at the height when the arm and forearm form a 90º angle. Then, raise your arm until your elbows are extended and repeat the movement according to the established training.

2. Lateral elevation

The side lift can be done to work both shoulders at the same time or one at a time. To do this, hold the dumbbell with the palm facing down and lift the dumbbell sideways to shoulder height. According to the training objective, you can flex your elbow a little or raise the dumbbell forward a little.

This type of exercise places more emphasis on the work of the medial and posterior deltoids, that is, the middle and back portion of the muscle covering the shoulder, the deltoid.

3. Front elevation

The front lift can be done either with dumbbells or the barbell and the equipment should be held with the palm of the hand facing the body and raise, with the arms extended, to shoulder height, repeating the exercise as indicated by the PE. This exercise places more emphasis on the front of the deltoid muscle.

4. High row

The high stroke can be done either with the bar or the pulley and the equipment must be pulled, flexing the elbows, up to the height of the shoulders. This exercise places more emphasis on the lateral deltoid, but it also works on the anterior deltoids.

5. Inverse crucifix

The reverse crucifix can be made either on the machine or sitting facing an inclined bench or with the trunk tilted forward. In the case of being done on a bench, the arms should be raised to shoulder height, repeating the movement according to the established training. This exercise works more on the back of the deltoid, but it is also one of the exercises indicated for working the back muscles, for example.

Complete shoulder workout: 5 best exercises (and how to do them)