Home Symptoms Remedies to treat rheumatism and natural options

Remedies to treat rheumatism and natural options


The remedies used to treat rheumatism aim to reduce pain, difficulty in movement and discomfort caused by inflammation of regions such as bones, joints and muscles, as they are able to reduce the inflammatory process or regulate the immune system.

Rheumatism is an old expression of medicine, no longer used, although it is still popularly said to express a set of diseases of inflammatory or autoimmune cause, called rheumatological diseases, which generally affect joints, bones and muscles, but that can also compromise the function of organs like lungs, heart, skin and blood.

Rheumatological diseases are a group of several diseases, and some of the main examples are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, ankylosing spondylitis, dermatomyositis or vasculitis, for example.

Some examples of remedies for rheumatism, which should be guided by the rheumatologist, are:

Medicines Examples Effects
Anti-inflammatories Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen, Etoricoxib or Diclofenac. They reduce the inflammatory process that causes pain and swelling. It is recommended to use only in periods of crisis, as continuous use can cause side effects.
Pain relievers Dipyrone or Paracetamol. They control pain and facilitate daily activities with less discomfort.
Corticosteroids Prednisolone, Prednisolone or Betamethasone. They more powerfully reduce the inflammatory process and modulate the immune system. Its continuous use should be avoided, but in some cases, under medical advice, they can be kept in low doses for prolonged periods.
Disease-modifying drugs - Antirheumatics Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, Leflunomide or Hydroxychloroquine.

Used alone or in conjunction with other classes, they help control symptoms, prevent injuries and improve joint function.


Cyclosporine, Cyclophosphamide or Azathioprine.

They decrease the inflammatory reaction, blocking the cells' response to the activity of the immune system.

Etanercept, Infliximab, Golimumab, Abatacepte, Rituximab or Tocilizumab.

More recent therapy, which uses mechanisms to activate the immune system itself to combat inflammatory processes caused by autoimmune diseases.

These remedies used to treat rheumatic diseases can be indicated by the doctor according to the type of disease, the severity and intensity of the symptoms and are very useful for improving symptoms of various types, such as stiffness and deformities in the hands or pain in the knees or spine, for example, avoiding worsening and improving the quality of life of the person with the disease.

Is there blood rheumatism?

The expression "blood rheumatism" is incorrect, and is not used by doctors, as there is no rheumatological disease that affects only the blood.

This expression usually refers to rheumatic fever, which is a disease caused by an autoimmune reaction after infection by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes, which causes pharyngitis and tonsillitis, which causes inflammatory processes with arthritis, cardiac involvement, skin lesions, changes neurological disorders and fever.

To treat rheumatic fever, in addition to medications to control inflammatory reactions, such as anti-inflammatories and corticosteroids, the rheumatologist will also guide the use of antibiotics, such as penicillin, to treat the infection and eliminate bacteria from the body, preventing new crises. Understand, in more detail, what are the main symptoms and how to treat rheumatic fever.

Natural treatment options

To treat rheumatic diseases, in addition to the use of medicines, it is also important to have homemade care that helps control inflammation and relieve chronic symptoms. Some options include:

  • Compresses with ice or cold water, for about 15 to 30 minutes, twice a day, during periods of joint inflammation; Physiotherapy exercises, useful to work the mobility of the joints, strengthen the muscles and favor a better physical condition of people with rheumatism, and are guided by the physiotherapist according to the illness of each person; Practice physical activities, because the practice of exercises, such as swimming, water aerobics or walking is very important for people with rheumatological diseases, as it helps to control weight, prevents overload of the joints, strengthens muscles and bones, increases flexibility and maintains a good cardiovascular health. Care with food, which should be rich in omega-3, present in cold water fish, such as salmon and sardines, and in seeds such as chia and flaxseed, as there is evidence that they help regulate the immune system. It is also important that the diet contains calcium and vitamin D, present in milk and dairy products, and it is recommended to avoid alcoholic beverages and the consumption of processed foods and with many additives, as they can worsen the inflammatory process and hinder the treatment.

See the following video for other foods that can help relieve pain:

In addition, occupational therapy is also a good alternative for people with diseases of the joints and bones, as these professionals can guide how to do the day-to-day tasks in the best way to avoid overloading the joints, pain and pain. inflammatory process.

Also, check out some other options for home remedies for rheumatism.

Remedies to treat rheumatism and natural options