Home Bulls Treatment for psoriasis: medications, ointments and natural options

Treatment for psoriasis: medications, ointments and natural options


The treatment of psoriasis can be done with the use of anti-inflammatory creams or ointments, which reduce itching and keep the skin properly hydrated.

Exposing the affected area to the sun early in the morning or late afternoon without sunscreen also helps to control injuries. However, in the most severe cases, phototherapy can be used, which consists of exposure to UVA and UVB rays in dermatological clinics, for the time and frequency determined by the doctor. Find out more details about phototherapy treatment.

Changing your diet is also important to help control psoriasis. In this case, it is recommended to eat more organic foods, with little seasoning and fat, to detoxify the body. The less processed or processed foods you eat, the better.

As assessed by a dermatologist and recommended, treatment to treat psoriasis may include:

1. Use of creams or ointments

In cases of mild psoriasis, the use of moisturizing creams or ointments is recommended, as they help to keep the skin moist and hydrated, especially if they are used right after the bath. In addition to being the cheapest option, you can see improvements in injuries within a week of use.

The most commonly used are:

  • Thicker moisturizing creams or petroleum jelly; Creams with vitamin D, tar or retinol; Ointments with corticosteroids, such as dexamethasone or hydrocortisone for example.

In cases of scalp injuries it is still possible to use special shampoos. Learn more about how to treat scalp psoriasis.

2. Medicines

The drugs have an anti-inflammatory action and prevent the growth of lesions that already exist, being used in cases of moderate to severe injuries, according to the dermatologist's assessment and guidance.

The types of drugs used can be in the form of pills or injectables:

  • Immunosuppressants or immunomodulators, such as methotrexate, cyclosporine and apremilast; Biological agents, which are considered the most effective for treatment, such as adalimumab and brodalumab, for example.

This type of treatment should not be performed during pregnancy because of the risk of affecting the baby, but it is up to the doctor to make this decision, after assessing the risk / benefit of the treatment for the woman.

Medicines that strengthen the immune system can also help fight psoriasis injuries, such as multivitamins, probiotics, propolis, vitamin D supplements, among others.

Learn more about the types of drugs used to treat psoriasis.

3. Use of ultraviolet light

The use of ultraviolet light, also known as phototherapy, helps in the control of skin lesions, because in addition to having an anti-inflammatory effect it also prevents the growth of damaged cells. This treatment is indicated for the most serious injuries, it is done 3 times a week and always accompanied by a dermatologist.

Natural treatments for psoriasis

In addition to conventional treatments, the dermatologist can also suggest other ways that help to improve skin lesions.

Watch the video to learn more about alternative treatments for psoriasis:

Food care

Adequate nutrition is also a great way to fight psoriasis. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid fatty foods, very spicy, processed and industrialized, giving preference to the consumption of natural, organic raw, cooked or grilled foods.

It is also recommended to invest in the consumption of foods rich in omega 3, such as sardines and salmon, and foods rich in beta-carotene, which are all yellow-orange in color, in addition to avoiding all sources of caffeine, such as coffee, black tea, mate, dark chocolate and all peppers. See more how food helps with psoriasis.

Salt water bath

The seawater bath together with sun exposure can also be used as a treatment for psoriasis. That's because sea water is rich in mineral salts that help the skin heal.

Cleaning with rufa garra fish

An alternative treatment for psoriasis is to clean the affected area with the clawfish, also called medical fish. This is a species of fish raised in captivity, which feeds on the skin damaged by psoriasis. Treatment should be daily and each session lasts, on average, half an hour.

How to do SUS treatment

Many of the proposed treatments have a high cost, as is the case with some medications and phototherapy, however it is possible to have access to many of them through SUS. The treatments currently available are:

  • Phototherapy; Medicines such as cyclosporine, methotrexate, acitretin, dexamethasone; Biological agents such as adalimumab, secuquinumab, ustequinumab and etanercept.

To have access to treatments available free of charge by SUS, a clinical evaluation and referral by a dermatologist is required.

Treatment for psoriasis: medications, ointments and natural options