Home Bulls What is selective amnesia and main causes

What is selective amnesia and main causes


Selective amnesia corresponds to the inability to remember certain events that happened in a certain period, which may be related to prolonged periods of stress or be the result of a traumatic event.

Selective amnesia can be only partial, being classified as selective lacunar amnesia, and is characterized by forgetting some details of the fact that occurred, however this type of amnesia can also be more subtle and go unnoticed.

In general, “forgotten” memories tend to come back gradually as the person decreases their stress level and manages to cope better with the situation. In addition, psychotherapy can also help to remember forgotten facts, especially when forgetting is related to traumatic events.

Main causes

The main causes of selective amnesia can be related to:

  • Traumatic experiences such as kidnappings, loss of someone close, wars or any event that may have put your life at risk; Excessive and frequent stress; Situations such as Stroke; Alcoholism; Cranial trauma, Encephalitis, which corresponds to inflammation of the brain.

In these cases, the brain transfers this information to the unconscious as a form of defense mechanism, since these memories can cause pain and suffering for the individual. Learn more about amnesia.

What to do

In case of selective amnesia, the best thing to do is to try to relax, because it is possible to make the brain manage to assimilate the maximum amount of information and favor the memory.

However, when amnesia is due to traumatic events, such as loss of a relative or close friend, period in captivity, kidnapping or sexual abuse, for example, therapy with the psychologist or psychiatrist may be recommended so that it is it is possible to gradually remember the event and thus better deal with the situation.

What is selective amnesia and main causes