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Pulmonary anthracosis: symptoms and how treatment is done


Pulmonary anthracosis is a type of pneumoconiosis characterized by lesions in the lung caused by the constant inhalation of small particles of coal or dust that end up lodging along the respiratory system, mainly in the lungs. Learn what pneumoconiosis is and how to avoid it.

Generally, people with pulmonary anthracosis do not show signs or symptoms, and go unnoticed most of the time. However, when exposure becomes excessive, pulmonary fibrosis can occur, which can result in respiratory failure. Understand what pulmonary fibrosis is and how to treat it.

Symptoms of Pulmonary Anthracosis

Despite not having any characteristic symptoms, anthracosis can be suspected when the person has direct contact with dust, has a dry and persistent cough, in addition to breathing difficulties. Some habits can also influence the worsening of the person's clinical condition, such as smoking

The people most likely to develop complications from pulmonary anthracosis are residents of large cities, which usually have very polluted air, and coal miners. In the case of miners, to avoid the development of anthracosis, it is recommended to use protective masks, which must be provided by the company, to prevent lung injuries, in addition to washing hands, arms and face before leaving the work environment.

How the treatment is done

No specific treatment for pulmonary anthracosis is necessary, and it is recommended only to remove the person from the activity and from places that have coal dust.

The diagnosis of anthracosis is made by laboratory tests, such as the histopathological examination of the lung, in which a small fragment of the lung tissue is visualized, with the accumulation of coal, in addition to imaging tests, such as chest tomography and radiography.

Pulmonary anthracosis: symptoms and how treatment is done