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What is blenorrhagia, symptoms and treatment


Blenorrhagia is an STD caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, also known as gonorrhea, which is highly contagious, especially while symptoms are manifesting.

The bacteria responsible for the disease contaminates the individual simply by contacting the lining of the genitals, throat or eyes. Blenorrhagia is an STD that causes inflammation of the genital mucous membranes of men and women, although symptoms in men have different characteristics from symptoms in women. The disease spreads through the body through the bloodstream and can put the sexual glands at risk and even cause diseases in the bones and joints. Therefore, starting treatment as soon as possible is very important.

Blenorrhagia symptoms

Symptoms of blenorrhagia in women:

  • Yellowish discharge and burning when urinating. Urinary incontinence; There may be inflammation of the Bartholin's glands; There may be sore throat and voice impairment (gonococcal pharyngitis, when there is an oral intimate relationship); There may be obstruction of the anal canal (when there is an intimate anal relationship).

About 70% of women have no symptoms.

Symptoms of blenorrhagia in man:

  • Pain or burning when urinating; Low fever; Yellow discharge, similar to pus, coming from the urethra; There may be sore throat and voice impairment (gonococcal pharyngitis, when there is an oral intimate relationship); There may be obstruction of the anal canal (when there is intercourse) intimate anal).

These symptoms can appear 3 to 30 days after unprotected intimate contact.

The diagnosis of blenorrhagia can be made by observing the symptoms presented and confirmed through culture tests.

Treatment for blenorrhagia

Treatment for blenorrhagia should be performed with antibiotics such as Azithromycin in a single dose or for approximately 10 consecutive days or at the doctor's discretion. Learn more about Gonorrhea Treatment.

The prevention of blenorrhagia consists of the use of condoms in all relationships.

What is blenorrhagia, symptoms and treatment