Home Bulls Causes of premature skin aging and how to avoid

Causes of premature skin aging and how to avoid


Premature aging of the skin occurs when, in addition to the natural aging caused by age, there is an acceleration of the formation of flaccidity, wrinkles and spots due to lifestyle habits and environmental factors, such as pollution, poor diet, smoking, physical inactivity, stress and, mainly, sun exposure without protection, since the free radicals present in these situations cause damage to the health of the tissues.

So, to avoid premature aging and keep the skin of the face and body firmer and hydrated for a longer time, it is recommended to focus on attitudes such as eating a diet rich in vegetables, drinking plenty of fluids, always removing makeup and cleaning and skin treatments. skin, for example, because in addition to increasing the levels of antioxidants, which are nutrients that fight aging by neutralizing free radicals, they leave the skin looking younger and healthier.

Symptoms that indicate skin aging

Aging is a natural process, however there are some signs and symptoms that indicate that the skin is aging earlier than it should. The main ones are:

  • Wrinkles and expression lines on the forehead, around the lips (Chinese mustache) and eyes (crow's feet): appear due to the loss of collagen and elastin, causing the skin to lose its usual firmness and flaws; Dark spots: they are caused due to excessive sun exposure and without photoprotection, since UV rays are aggressive to the skin, or also due to hormonal changes in pregnant or elderly women, which stimulate pigmentation; Excessive sagging: premature aging makes the skin thinner and without firmness, due to lack of hydration and loss of its fat layer, which makes it without shine and vitality. Presence of dark circles: the region around the eyes suffers a lot from the effect of aging, so intense or worsening dark circles can be a sign that the skin is not healthy.

In addition, the bleaching of hair strands can also become worse due to the action of free radicals, stress and lack of vitamins and minerals, in addition to genetic and hormonal causes.

Take the following test and find out if your skin tends to develop wrinkles:

  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Start the test

Do you have wrinkles on your face?
  • No, not even when smiling, frowning or raising eyebrowsOnly when I smile, I move my forehead or raise my eyebrowsYes, with movement and some at restI have wrinkles even if I don't make movements

How old does your mother's face look?
  • 5 to 10 years younger than her ageHer age 5 years older than her ageMore than 5 years older than her ageNot applicable: I was adopted or I don't remember

How old does your father's face look?
  • 5 to 10 years younger than his ageHis age5 years older than his ageMore than five years older than his ageNot applicable: I was adopted or I don't remember

How old is the skin on your maternal grandmother's face?
  • 5 to 10 years younger than her ageHer age5 years older than her ageMore than five years older than her ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted

How old does your maternal grandfather's face look?
  • 5 to 10 years younger than his ageHis age5 years older than his ageMore than five years older than his ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted

How old does your paternal grandmother's face look?
  • 5 to 10 years younger than her ageHer age5 years older than her ageMore than five years older than her ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted

How old does your paternal grandfather's face look?
  • 5 to 10 years younger than his ageHis age5 years older than his ageMore than five years older than his ageNot applicable: I don't remember / I was adopted

Have you ever exposed your skin to the sun continuously, for more than two weeks a year?
  • Never 1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years More than 10 years

Have you ever been exposed to the sun on a seasonal basis, two weeks a year or less?
  • Never 1 to 5 years 5 to 10 years More than 10 years

Based on the places where you lived, how much time of daily sun exposure did you receive in your life?
  • Little. I lived in gray or cloudy places. I lived in climates with little sun, but also in places with regular sunshine. I lived in places with a good amount of sun exposure, I lived in tropical, northern or very sunny places

How old do you feel your skin looks?
  • 1 to 5 years younger than my ageMy age5 years older than my ageMore than 5 years older than my age

During the past 5 years, how often did you intentionally tan your skin through outdoor sports or other activities?
  • NeverOnce a monthOnce a weekDaily

How many times have you been to an artificial solarium?
  • Never 1 to 5 times 5 to 10 times Many times

During your lifetime, how many cigarettes have you smoked (or been exposed to)?
  • NoneSome packsFrom several to many packsSmoke every dayNever smoked, but I lived with smokers or worked with people who smoked regularly in my presence

Describe the air pollution where you live:
  • The air is fresh and cleanDuring most of the year I live in a place with clean airThe air is slightly pollutedThe air is very polluted

Describe the length of time you used facial creams with retinoids:
  • Many yearsOccasionallyOnce for acne when I was youngerNever

How often do you eat fruits and vegetables?
  • With every mealOnce a dayOccasionallyNever

During your life, what percentage of your daily diet consisted of fruits and vegetables?
  • 75 to 10025 to 7510 to 250 to 25

What is your natural skin color (without tanning or self-tanning)?
  • DarkMediumLight Very light

What is your ethnic group?
  • African American / Caribbean / Asian Black / Indian / Mediterranean / Other Latin American / Hispanic Caucasians

Are you 65 or older?
  • Yes No

How to fight premature aging

To combat the action of free radicals on the skin, preventing premature aging, it is important to focus on attitudes such as:

1. Use sunscreen daily

The use of sunscreen, preferably with SPF 30 or more, is essential to protect the skin from the action of UV rays, preventing not only aging but the formation of skin cancer. The ideal is to choose an ideal filter for each type of skin, whether oily or dry, to avoid other unwanted effects, such as the formation of acne.

Learn to choose the best sunscreen for your skin and how to use it.

2. Do skin cleansing

Daily cleaning of the face with specific products, such as soaps and lotions, helps to keep the skin soft and invigorated. It is also very important to remove makeup always after use, especially before bed, with removers and washing with soap and water. This is very important to prevent dryness and damage caused by the accumulation of products on the skin.

In addition, weekly exfoliations or periodic peels help to remove layers of dead skin and renew the skin. Check out the steps to clean your skin at home.

3. Consume antioxidant foods

Care with food is essential to allow the skin to be young, acting from the inside out. Thus, antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, isoflavones and resveratrol, for example, found in vegetables, greens and fruits, such as carrots, beets, grapes, tomatoes, apricots, papayas and eggplants, for example, help not only slowing down skin aging, but also maintaining a healthier body.

Check out which foods are rich in antioxidants that can not be lacking in the diet.

4. Do skin treatments

Skin treatment techniques, guided by the dermatologist, are great ways to not only combat the signs of aging, but help to give a younger appearance to the appearance, as they are able to reduce expression lines and eliminate blemishes. Some of the main recommended treatments are Radiofrequency, Carboxitherapy, Chemical peeling, Pulsed light, Micro needling or acid treatments, for example. Learn more about the techniques used to combat sagging face.

If these treatments are not enough, an alternative is the treatment of facial filling with hyaluronic acid or botox, for example, or, as a last resort, resorting to plastic surgery, it is important to talk to the dermatologist about the available alternatives.

5. Having healthy habits

It is proven that harmful habits such as smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages in excess, physical inactivity, stress and lack of rest impair the appearance of the skin, and it is very important to reverse these attitudes so that the skin tissues are well nourished, hydrated and healthy. Thus, it is recommended:

  • Practice physical activities 3 to 5 times a week; Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day; Do not smoke; Sleep well, avoiding losing nights; Avoid excessive stress.

In addition, it is recommended to keep routine medical assessments up to date, in order to control diseases that can worsen the appearance of the skin, such as hormonal disorders, vitamin deficiencies or circulatory diseases, for example.

Causes of premature skin aging and how to avoid