Home Bulls What is dental fistula and how to treat

What is dental fistula and how to treat


The dental fistula corresponds to small bubbles that can appear in the mouth due to the body's attempt to resolve an infection. Thus, the presence of dental fistulas indicates that the body was not able to eliminate the infection, leading to the formation of small pus pellets in the gums or inside the mouth.

Although it does not cause symptoms, the cause of the fistula needs to be identified by the dentist so that the best treatment is indicated and, thus, complications can be avoided. In addition, it is essential that the mouth is cleaned properly, using dental floss, mouthwash and brushing at least 3 times a day.

How to identify

Under normal conditions, when there is an infection in the mouth, the body seeks alternatives to fight the infection, and may go unnoticed. However, when the defense mechanisms fail, the pus cannot be released and is evidenced in the form of a fistula, which can appear inside the mouth or on the gums, for example.

The identification of dental fistulas can be done just by looking at the gums in the mirror, and the presence of small yellowish or reddish balls, for example, can be noticed. Normally, fistulas do not cause pain or any other symptom, however it is important that it is investigated and the cause determined so that appropriate treatment is indicated in order to prevent complications.

Thus, although in most cases the fistulas are related to the presence of caries or tartar, the dentist can indicate the performance of a radiograph of the mouth in order to verify the involvement of the teeth and, thus, the extent of the infection.

Dental Fistula Treatment

Dental fistulas can disappear in a few days after the start of the treatment recommended by the dentist, which is most often done through the elimination of caries and plaque by cleaning during the consultation. Understand how plaque removal is done.

In some cases, when there is involvement of some part of the tooth, the doctor may choose to perform root canal treatment and use of antibiotics. This type of treatment is usually indicated when the infection is very extensive and causes death of the dental tissue, which can favor the spread of the microorganism that causes the infection through the bloodstream. Learn more about root canal treatment.

In all cases, it is essential that there is an improvement in oral hygiene habits to avoid the occurrence of infections and the formation of fistulas, so it is important to brush your teeth after meals, use dental floss and mouthwashes, in addition to periodically going to the dentist to that the health of the mouth is evaluated.

What is dental fistula and how to treat