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Perfume allergy: symptoms and treatment


Allergy to perfume is common, being easy to treat because most of the time it is enough not to use perfume, nor to stay very close to people who use intense perfumes. Allergy to perfumes can cause respiratory symptoms, such as itchy nose, burning eyes and sneezing, but it can also cause symptoms on the skin that is in direct contact with the perfume.

Many perfumes are highly unstable and oxidize during storage or in the event of exposure to sunlight and air. These oxidation products act as phototoxic agents and potent sensitizers causing allergic symptoms.

How to identify perfume allergy

You can identify the allergy after observing the symptoms:

  • Headache; Itchy nose; Sneezing; Dizziness; Runny nose; Watery eyes; Wheezing in the chest; Difficulty breathing; Itching and skin irritation at the place where the perfume is used.

People who have asthma, allergic rhinitis or some other type of allergy are the ones most likely to develop this type of allergy. The general practitioner or allergist can make the diagnosis based on the symptoms, without the need for specific tests, and indicate the necessary treatment, which can be done only with the removal of intense aromas.

Perfume allergy treatment

The most suitable treatment is not to use perfume, nor to stay close to people who use very intense fragrances.

Some important recommendations are:

  • Avoid as much as possible the use of perfumes, cologne, eau de parfum and also the use of moisturizing creams, aftershave lotion and deodorants with very intense aromas. It is necessary to be careful not to use perfumed cleaning products or that contain substances such as Lyral, a natural essence of geraniol and rose oil, as these are some of the most susceptible to allergy and therefore are always identified on the product packaging. It is advisable to maintain good air circulation inside the home and also in the work environment, keeping the windows open or a fan or air circulator when necessary. The use of an antihistamine medication can be useful in times when respiratory symptoms are very intense and impair quality of life.

There is no desensitization to perfume, and therefore this type of allergy has no cure.

Perfume allergy: symptoms and treatment