Home Pregnancy What to do when the bag breaks

What to do when the bag breaks


When the amniotic fluid bag breaks, what you should do is not to panic, clean yourself, put on a night absorbent, call the doctor and go to the maternity ward, as everything indicates that the baby will be born.

The pad will help doctors understand the color and amount of amniotic fluid lost, assessing whether there is any risk to the woman or the baby. See: What to take to motherhood.

It is recommended to go to the hospital whenever there is a suspicion of rupture of the bag, as any laceration, however small, can facilitate the entry of microorganisms, affecting the baby.

Urgent medical help should be sought when the pouch breaks before 37 weeks of gestation. However, if the woman wants a normal delivery and is past 38 weeks, one can wait some time to go to the maternity hospital, especially when a normal delivery is desired.

Signs of stock market rupture

The signs of rupture of the amniotic fluid bag are:

  • Output of a clear or light yellow liquid, without smell, which cannot be controlled, in large or small quantities.

Usually, a few days before the rupture of the bag, the woman notices the exit of the mucous plug, which is a kind of yellow, thick discharge, similar to phlegm, which closed the cervix, protecting the baby. In some women this tampon may be mixed with blood and become streaked with blood or brown, as if it were the end of menstruation.

The stock broke but I have no contractions

When the pouch ruptures, uterine contractions that mark the beginning of labor are expected to emerge in a short time. However, contractions can take up to 48 hours to appear, however, it is advisable to go to the maternity hospital 6 hours after the rupture of the pouch because this rupture allows microorganisms to enter the uterus, increasing the risk of infections.

At the hospital, the doctor may wait a few hours to check if the contractions start spontaneously, offering antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection, or he may induce normal delivery with the use of synthetic hormones or initiate cesarean section, depending on each case.

Warning signs

If the bag has burst and the woman has not yet gone to the maternity hospital, it is important to be aware of the following warning signs: decreased baby movement, change in the color of the aminotic fluid and fever, even if low. These situations can indicate complications that need a medical evaluation.

When to go to maternity

You should go to maternity:

  • Immediately, if the bag ruptures before 37 weeks of gestation; Up to 6 hours after the rupture of the bag (when normal birth is desired); Immediately if the bag ruptures before the date of the cesarean scheduled by the doctor.

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What to do when the bag breaks