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IVF: indications, how it is made and how it works


In vitro fertilization is an assisted reproduction technique that consists of introducing healthy sperm into the female egg, which is subsequently implanted into the uterus, all of which is performed in a fertility clinic, with no sexual intercourse involved. The result is pregnancy and the birth of one or more babies.

This is one of the most commonly used assisted reproduction techniques and can be performed in private clinics and hospitals and even in the SUS, as long as the couple is unable to conceive spontaneously in 1 year of attempts without using any contraceptive method.

For IVF, semen from a partner or a donor can be used, and it is also popularly called a 'test tube baby'. IVF is not exactly the same as artificial insemination. If you want to know more about Artificial Insemination click here.


The price of the in vitro fertilization technique varies according to the selected clinic, but usually varies between 10 and 12 thousand reais. However, it is possible to request the technique for free at SUS, as long as the couple is unable to get pregnant after 1 year of attempts.

Who can do it

In vitro fertilization is indicated for women with severe changes in the fallopian tubes, such as irreversible tubal injury, severe pelvic adhesions, bilateral salpingectomy, sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease. It is also indicated for women who have not become pregnant after 2 years of salpingoplasty or where the tubal obstruction remains after surgery. Other indications include moderate to severe endometriosis, male infertility, an unknown cause and after more than 3 unsuccessful artificial inseminations.

IVF step-by-step

These stages of IVF are:

  1. Stimulation of the ovaries with the use of drugs to produce eggs; Collection of eggs through transvaginal aspiration with ultrasound; Selection of the best eggs; Preparation of the semen; IVF: Introduction of sperm into the same glass where the eggs are; Observation of the fertilization of eggs and embryonic culture; implantation of one or more embryos in the woman's uterus.

It is not always possible to reach the 5th step, as there may be some failures during the initial process. In this case, it will be necessary to make a new attempt at in vitro fertilization, using unused embryos that have previously been frozen in liquid nitrogen.

To verify the success of the treatment after 14 days of IVF, a pharmacy pregnancy test and a pregnancy test should be performed to measure the amount of beta-HCG. About 14 days after these tests, a transvaginal ultrasound test can be performed to assess the health of the woman and the embryo.

Main risks of IVF

One of the most common risks of in vitro fertilization is the pregnancy of twins due to the presence of several embryos inside the woman's uterus, and there is also an increased risk of spontaneous abortion, which is why pregnancy should always be accompanied by the obstetrician and the doctor. assisted reproduction specialist.

Babies born with IVF techniques are also at increased risk of developing the following problems:

  • Heart failure; Cleft lip; Change in the esophagus; Malformation of the rectum; Angelman syndrome; Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome

The emotional stress that involves the process of in vitro fertilization can also cause women to cry, tiredness, anxiety, sleep or food changes and difficulty concentrating. This can be mitigated with a balanced diet, light physical exercises and relaxation massages.

IVF: indications, how it is made and how it works