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Ameloblastoma: symptoms, main types and treatment


Ameloblastoma is a rare tumor that grows in the bones of the mouth, especially in the jaw, causing symptoms only when it is very large, such as swelling of the face or difficulty in moving the mouth. In other cases, it is common that it is detected only during routine examinations at the dentist, such as X-rays or MRI, for example.

Generally, ameloblastoma is benign and is more common in men between 30 and 50 years old, however, it is also possible that a unicystic type ameloblastoma appears before age 30.

Although not life-threatening, ameloblastoma gradually destroys the jaw bone and, therefore, treatment with surgery should be done as soon as possible after diagnosis, to remove the tumor and prevent destruction of the bones in the mouth.

X-ray of ameloblastoma

Main symptoms

In most cases, ameloblastoma does not cause any symptoms, being discovered by chance during routine checkups at the dentist. However, some people may experience symptoms such as:

  • Swelling in the jaw, which does not hurt; Hemorrhage in the mouth; Displacement of some teeth; Difficulty moving the mouth; Tingling sensation in the face.

The swelling caused by ameloblastoma usually appears in the jaw, but it can also happen in the jaw. In some cases, the person may also experience weak and constant pain in the molar region.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of ameloblastoma is made with biopsy to assess tumor cells in the laboratory, however, the dentist may suspect ameloblastoma after X-ray or computed tomography exams, referring the patient to a specialist dentist in the area.

Types of ameloblastoma

There are 3 main types of ameloblastoma:

  • Unicystic ameloblastoma: is characterized by being inside a cyst and is often a mandibular tumor; Multicystic ameloblastoma: is the most common type of ameloblastoma, occurring mainly in the molar region; Peripheral ameloblastoma: it is the rarest type that affects only the soft tissues, without affecting the bone.

There is also malignant ameloblastoma, which is uncommon but can appear even without being preceded by a benign ameloblastoma, which may present metastases.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for ameloblastoma should be guided by a dentist and, usually, it is done through surgery to remove the tumor, the part of the bone that was affected and some of the healthy tissue, preventing the tumor from reoccurring.

In addition, the doctor may also recommend the use of radiotherapy to remove tumor cells that may have remained in the mouth or to treat very small ameloblastomas that do not require surgery.

In the most severe cases, in which it is necessary to remove a lot of bone, the dentist can perform a reconstruction of the jaw to maintain the aesthetics and functionality of the bones of the face, using pieces of bone taken from another part of the body.

Ameloblastoma: symptoms, main types and treatment