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Cpap: what it is, what it is for and how to use it


CPAP is a device that is used during sleep to try to reduce the occurrence of sleep apnea, preventing snoring at night, and improving the feeling of tiredness, during the day.

This device creates a positive pressure in the airways that prevents them from closing, allowing air to be constantly passing from the nose, or mouth, to the lungs, which is not the case in sleep apnea.

CPAP should be indicated by a doctor and is usually used when other simpler techniques, such as losing weight or using nasal strips, were not enough to help you breathe better during sleep.

What is it for

CPAP is mainly indicated for the treatment of sleep apnea, which manifests itself through other signs and symptoms, such as snoring at night and tiredness for no apparent reason during the day.

In most cases, CPAP is not the first form of treatment for sleep apnea, and the doctor gives preference to other options, such as weight loss, the use of nasal strips or even the use of nasal sprays . See more about the different options for treating sleep apnea.

How to use CPAP

To use CPAP correctly, the device must be placed close to the head of the bed and then, you must follow the step-by-step:

  • Put the mask on your face, with the device turned off; Adjust the mask straps so that it is tight; Lay on the bed and adjust the mask again; Turn on the device and breathe only through your nose.

In the early days it is normal for the use of CPAP to be a little uncomfortable, especially when trying to get the air out of the lungs. However, during sleep the body has no difficulty in exhaling and there is no risk of stopping breathing.

It is important to always try to keep your mouth closed when using CPAP, as the opening of the mouth causes the air pressure to escape, making the device unable to force air into the airways.

If the doctor has prescribed a nasal spray to facilitate the initial phase of using CPAP, they should be used as directed for at least 2 weeks.

How the device works

CPAP is a device that sucks air from the room, passes the air through a dust filter and sends that air with pressure into the airways, preventing them from closing. Although there are several types of models and brands, all must produce a steady stream of air.

Main types of CPAP

The main types of CPAP include:

  • Nasal CPAP: it is the least uncomfortable CPAP, which throws air only through the nose; Facial CPAP: used when it is necessary to blow air through the mouth.

Depending on the type of snoring and sleep apnea, the pulmonologist will indicate the most suitable type of CPAP for each person.

Cautions when using CPAP

After starting to use CPAP, and during the first times, it is normal for small problems to appear that can be solved with some care. These problems include:

1. Feeling of claustrophobia

Because it is a mask that is constantly stuck to the face, some people may experience periods of claustrophobia. A good way to overcome this problem is often to ensure that the mouth is closed properly. That's because, the air passing from the nose to the mouth can cause a slight sensation of panic.

2. Constant sneezing

In the first days of using CPAP it is common to sneeze due to irritation of the nasal mucosa, however, this symptom can improve with the use of sprays that, in addition to hydrating the mucous membranes, also reduce inflammation. These sprays can be ordered from the doctor who advised you to use CPAP.

3. Dry throat

Like sneezing, the sensation of dry throat is also relatively common in those who start using CPAP. This happens because the constant jet of air produced by the device ends up drying the nasal and oral mucosa. To improve this discomfort, you can try to humidify the room air more, placing a basin of warm water inside, for example.

How to Clean CPAP

To ensure correct functioning, the CPAP mask and tubes must be cleaned every day, using only water and avoiding the use of soap. Ideally, cleaning should be done early in the morning to allow the appliance time to dry until the next use.

The CPAP dust filter, on the other hand, must also be replaced, and it is recommended that you do this task when the filter is visibly dirty.

Cpap: what it is, what it is for and how to use it