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Soft fibroma: what it is and how it is treated


Soft fibroma, also known as acrocordons or molluscum nevus, is a small mass that appears on the skin, most often on the neck, armpit and groin, which is between 2 and 5 mm in diameter, does not cause symptoms and is most often benign.

The appearance of soft fibroma does not have a very well-established cause, but it is believed that its appearance is related to genetic factors and insulin resistance, and can be seen, in most cases, in diabetics and patients with metabolic syndrome.

Fibroids can have the same skin tone or be a little darker and have a progressive diameter, that is, they can increase over time according to the person's conditions. That is, the greater the insulin resistance, for example, the greater the tendency for fibroma to grow.

Causes of soft fibroma

The cause of the appearance of soft fibroma is not yet well defined, however it is believed that the appearance of these lesions is related to genetic and family factors. In addition, some studies demonstrate the relationship between the appearance of soft fibroids, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, and the soft fibroma may also be correlated with insulin resistance.

Soft fibroids tend to appear more frequently in people over 30 years of age who have a family history of soft fibroma or who have hypertension, obesity, diabetes and / or metabolic syndrome, in addition to a greater chance of development in pregnancy and cell carcinoma. basal.

These fibroids tend to appear more frequently on the neck, groin, eyelids and armpit, and can grow quickly. When this happens, the dermatologist can recommend its removal and biopsy the removed fibroma to check for malignant features.

How the treatment is done

Most of the time, soft fibroma does not pose any risk to the person, does not cause symptoms and is benign, requiring no specific type of procedure. However, many people complain of fibroma due to aesthetics, going to the dermatologist for removal.

The removal of the soft fibroma is done in the dermatological office itself through several techniques according to the characteristics and location of the fibroma. In the case of small fibroids, the dermatologist may choose to perform a simple excision, in which, with the help of a dermatological instrument, the fibroma is removed, cryosurgery, in which the soft fibroma is frozen, which after a while ends for falling. Understand how cryotherapy is done.

On the other hand, in the case of large fibroids, it may be necessary to perform a more extensive surgical procedure for complete removal of the soft fibroma, and in these cases, it is important that the person has some care after the procedure, being recommended to rest and eat foods that promote healing and improve the immune system. Find out what the care is after the surgery.

Soft fibroma: what it is and how it is treated