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Dark stools: what can be and what to do


Dark stools usually appear when there is digested blood in the poop composition and, therefore, can be an important sign of bleeding in the initial part of the digestive system, especially in the esophagus or stomach, caused by ulcers or varicose veins, for example.

However, dark, or black, stools can also appear in other less worrying situations, such as when eating an iron-rich diet, when taking iron supplements, or when using certain specific types of remedies.

Even so, whenever the stool remains dark for more than 2 days, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist for stool examinations or a colonoscopy, for example, to identify the cause and initiate appropriate treatment.

Learn about other changes in poop color and their common causes.

The most common causes for the appearance of dark stools include:

1. Intake of iron-rich foods

Eating a diet rich in foods such as beans, red meat or beets increases the levels of iron in the body, making the intestine not absorb all the iron available in the food, being eliminated in the feces and causing a dark color.

However, dark stools that appear due to excessive ingestion usually do not have a foul smell, like stools that are darkened due to the presence of blood, for example.

What to do: Excessive ingestion of iron-rich foods should be avoided and the stool should return to a lighter color. See what foods to avoid at: Foods rich in iron.

2. Consumption of red or black food

In addition to foods rich in iron, those that have a very intense red color or that have black color, can also change the color of the stools, making them darker. Some examples of foods include:

  • Licorice; Blueberries; Dark chocolate; Gelatin with red dye; Beet.

If it is suspected that this may be the cause, it is recommended to pay attention to food for 2 or 3 days, avoiding this type of food, and observe if the feces end up clearing up. If the stool is still too dark, it may be another cause and it is important to consult a gastroenterologist.

3. Use of supplements and medicines

The use of some supplements, especially those of iron and lead, as well as the use of some medications, such as anti-coagulants or anti-inflammatories, can lead to darkening of the stool about 1 to 2 days after the beginning of the treatment.

What to do: if the change in stool color appears shortly after starting treatment with a medicine or supplement, it is recommended to consult the doctor who prescribed it to change the medicine, if possible.

4. Problems in the digestive system

Dark stools can also be a sign of the presence of blood and, therefore, in this case they are called melena, presenting themselves as black, pasty and with a strong smell.

In this case, bleeding can usually be caused by the presence of ulcers in the stomach or esophageal varices, for example, but it can also be a sign of more serious problems such as cancer of the stomach or intestine.

What to do: in order to suspect the presence of blood in the stool, in addition to the characteristics of the poop, a good technique is to put hydrogen peroxide in the toilet and, if foam arises, it is a sign that it may contain blood. However, the only way to confirm this diagnosis is to go to a consultation with a gastroenterologist and have tests, such as stool examination, colonoscopy or endoscopy.

What makes the stool dark in the baby

Dark stools in the baby are normal when they happen soon after delivery, and are called meconium. Meconium is a dark green substance produced by the fetus during pregnancy, which is expelled in the first hours of life. Up to the sixth day of life, brown or dark green stools may be normal. See other causes of green stools.

However, over the course of a few weeks and months, the faeces change color and texture, especially after the introduction of new foods, such as porridges, fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs, for example.

In some cases, in babies, a small amount of blood may appear in the stool, making it darker, but it is usually not serious, as they are caused by the flu or milk allergy. However, if this occurs, it is important to inform the pediatrician so that the cause is identified and treatment begins.

Learn more at: Because baby's stool can get dark.

When to go to the doctor

Whenever there is a suspicion that dark stools are being caused by the presence of digested blood, it is very important to consult a gastroenterologist. However, it is also important to see a doctor if there are signs and symptoms such as:

  • Presence of foul smell; Severe abdominal pain; Nausea and vomiting; Presence of bright red blood in the stools or vomiting; Weight loss; Changes in appetite.

In these cases, it is normal that, in addition to assessing the person's symptoms and medical history, the doctor also asks for certain tests, especially stool examination and endoscopy.

Dark stools: what can be and what to do