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Constant coryza: what it can be (and what to do)


Runny nose is almost always a sign of the flu or cold, but when it occurs very often it can also indicate a respiratory allergy to dust, animal hair or another allergen that can move in the air, for example.

Although, in most cases, it is a temporary situation, the runny nose can cause a lot of discomfort and, therefore, if it lasts more than 1 week to disappear, it is very important to consult an otolaryngologist to identify the cause and start the most appropriate treatment.

Check out a simple home remedy to dry runny nose more quickly.

1. Flu and cold

The flu and cold almost always cause runny nose in most people, accompanied by other symptoms such as sneezing, headache, cough, sore throat and even low fever. This type of runny nose can take up to 10 days to disappear and is not a cause for concern, disappearing as soon as the body is able to fight the virus.

What to do: to recover more quickly from a cold or flu, you should rest, drink about 2 liters of water a day, eat properly and avoid sudden changes in temperature. Check out other tips to treat the flu and cold, as well as some home remedies to relieve symptoms.

2. Respiratory allergy

Allergic reactions in the respiratory system usually cause inflammation of the tissues of the nose and, therefore, very often cause the appearance of runny nose. Although it can be mistaken as a sign of a cold, in these cases, a runny nose is usually accompanied by other symptoms such as watery eyes, sneezing and a feeling of heaviness in the region around the nose.

In addition, when it is caused by an allergy, the runny nose usually appears around the same time of year, especially in the spring, as it is when there is a greater amount of allergens in the air, such as pollen, dust or dog hair.

What to do: when an allergy is suspected, try to find the cause and then try to avoid it, in order to reduce the symptoms. However, if it is not possible to identify the cause, the otorhinologist may advise the use of antihistamines and decongestants to reduce the body's response and decrease runny nose and other allergy symptoms. See the most used medicines and other precautions you should take.

3. Sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that causes a runny nose, but usually the runny nose is yellow or greenish in color, indicating an infection. In addition to the runny nose, other typical symptoms of sinusitis may appear, such as fever, headache, heaviness in the face and a pain, close to the eyes, that gets worse whenever you lie down or lean your head forward.

What to do: you usually need to be treated with nasal sprays and flu remedies to reduce headaches and fever, for example. However, if it is being caused by an infection, sinusitis may need to be treated with an antibiotic, so it is very important to see an otolaryngologist. See more about sinusitis, what remedies are used and how to do home treatment.

4. Rhinitis

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the lining of the nose that causes a constant coryza sensation, which takes a long time to disappear. Although the symptoms are very similar to those of an allergy, including sneezing and watery eyes, they are not caused by the immune system, so treatment must be different. Learn more about how to identify rhinitis.

What to do: nasal decongestants prescribed by an ENT or allergist are usually used, but nasal washes may also be recommended to remove excess mucus. Check out how to do the nasal wash at home.

5. Nasal polyps

Although it is a much rarer cause, the presence of polyps inside the nose can also cause a constant runny nose. Polyps are small benign tumors that usually do not cause any symptoms, but when they grow they can cause a runny nose, as well as changes in taste or snoring when sleeping, for example.

What to do: Normally no treatment is necessary, however, if the symptoms were constant and did not improve, the doctor may advise the use of corticoid sprays to reduce the inflammation of the polyps. If these sprays do not work, it may be necessary to remove the polyps with minor surgery.

When to go to the doctor

Runny nose is a relatively common situation, which, most of the time, is not a cause for concern. However, it is important to see a doctor if symptoms such as:

  • Runny nose that takes more than 1 week to improve; Runny nose with greenish color or blood; Fever; Difficulty breathing or feeling short of breath.

These symptoms may indicate that the runny nose is associated with some type of infection and, therefore, it may be necessary to do a more specific treatment to avoid worsening the condition.

Constant coryza: what it can be (and what to do)