Home Pregnancy Belly pain in pregnancy: what can be and what to do

Belly pain in pregnancy: what can be and what to do


Abdominal pain in pregnancy can be caused by the growth of the uterus, constipation or gas, and can be relieved through a balanced diet, exercise or teas.

However, it can also indicate more serious situations, such as ectopic pregnancy, placental detachment, pre-eclampsia or even abortion. In these cases, the pain is usually accompanied by vaginal bleeding, swelling or discharge and in this case, the pregnant woman must immediately go to the hospital.

Here are the most common causes of abdominal pain in pregnancy:

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy

The main causes of abdominal pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, which corresponds to the period from 1 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, include:

1. Urinary infection

Urinary tract infection is a very common problem of pregnancy and it is more frequent in early pregnancy, and can be perceived through the appearance of pain in the bottom of the abdomen, burning and difficulty urinating, urgent urge to urinate even with little urine, fever and nausea.

What to do: It is recommended to go to the doctor to have a urine test done to confirm the urinary infection and start treatment with antibiotics, rest and fluid intake.

2. Ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy happens due to the growth of the fetus outside the uterus, being more common in the tubes and, therefore, it can appear until 10 weeks of gestation. Ectopic pregnancy is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as severe abdominal pain on only one side of the belly and which worsens with movement, vaginal bleeding, pain during intimate contact, dizziness, nausea or vomiting.

What to do: If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, you should immediately go to the emergency room to confirm the diagnosis and begin appropriate treatment, which is usually done after surgery to remove the embryo. Understand more about how treatment for ectopic pregnancy should be done.

3. Miscarriage

Abortion is an emergency situation that happens most frequently before 20 weeks and can be noticed through abdominal pain in the belly, vaginal bleeding or loss of fluid through the vagina, clots or tissues, and headache. See complete list of abortion symptoms.

What to do: It is recommended to go immediately to the hospital for an ultrasound to check the baby's heartbeat and confirm the diagnosis. When the baby is lifeless, a curettage or surgery should be performed to remove it, but when the baby is still alive, treatments can be performed to save the baby.

2nd quarter

Pain in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, which corresponds to a period of 13 to 24 weeks, is usually caused by problems such as:

1. Pre-eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia is a sudden increase in blood pressure in pregnancy, which is difficult to treat and which can pose a risk for both the woman and the baby. The main signs and symptoms of pre-eclampsia are pain in the upper right part of the abdomen, nausea, headache, swelling of the hands, legs and face, as well as blurred vision.

What to do: It is recommended to go to the obstetrician as soon as possible to assess blood pressure and start treatment with hospitalization because this is a serious situation that puts the life of the mother and baby at risk. See what treatment for pre-eclampsia should be like.

2. Placental detachment

Placental detachment is a serious pregnancy problem that can develop after 20 weeks and can cause premature birth or miscarriage depending on the weeks of gestation. This situation generates symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, contractions and pain in the back.

What to do: Go immediately to the hospital to check the baby's heartbeat and undergo treatment, which can be done with medication to prevent uterine contraction and rest. In the most severe cases, delivery can be made before the scheduled date, if necessary. Find out what you can do to treat placental detachment.

3. Training contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions are training contractions that usually occur after 20 weeks and last less than 60 seconds, although they can happen several times a day and cause little abdominal pain. At that moment, the belly becomes momentarily stiff, which does not always cause abdominal pain. But in some cases there may be pain in the vagina or the bottom of the belly, which lasts for a few seconds and then disappears.

What to do: It is important at this point to try to remain calm, rest and change position, lying on your side and placing a pillow under your belly or between your legs to feel more comfortable.

In the 3rd quarter

The main causes of abdominal pain in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, which corresponds to the period of 25 to 41 weeks, are:

1. Constipation and gases

Constipation is more common at the end of pregnancy due to the effect of hormones and pressure from the uterus on the intestine, which decreases its functioning, facilitating the development of constipation and the appearance of gases. Both constipation and gas lead to the emergence of abdominal discomfort or pain on the left side and cramps, in addition to the belly may be more hardened in this place of pain.

What to do: Eat foods rich in fiber, such as wheat germ, vegetables, cereals, watermelon, papaya, lettuce and oats, drink about 2 liters of water a day and practice light physical exercises, such as at least 30-minute walks 3 times a week. It is recommended to consult the doctor if the pain does not improve on the same day, if you do not poop 2 days in a row or if other symptoms such as fever or increased pain appear.

2. Pain in the round ligament

Pain in the round ligament arises due to excessive stretching of the ligament that connects the uterus to the pelvic region, due to the growth of the belly, leading to the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen that extends to the groin and that lasts only a few seconds.

What to do: Sit down, try to relax and, if it helps, change position to relieve pressure on the round ligament. Other options are to bend your knees under your abdomen or lie on your side by placing a pillow under your belly and another between your legs.

3. Childbirth Work

Labor is the main cause of abdominal pain in late pregnancy and is characterized by abdominal pain, cramps, increased vaginal discharge, gelatinous discharge, vaginal bleeding and uterine contractions at regular intervals. Find out what are the 3 main signs of labor

What to do: Go to the hospital to see if you are really in labor, as these pains can become regular for a few hours, but can disappear completely throughout the night, for example, and reappear the next day, with the same characteristics. If possible, it is advisable to call the doctor to confirm if it is labor and when you should go to the hospital.

When to go to the hospital

Persistent abdominal pain on the right side, close to the hip and low fever that can appear at any stage of pregnancy can indicate appendicitis, a situation that can be serious and should therefore be checked out as soon as possible, and it is recommended to go to the hospital immediately. In addition, one should also go immediately to the hospital or consult the obstetrician who accompanies the pregnancy when she presents:

  • Abdominal pain before 12 weeks of gestation, with or without vaginal bleeding; Vaginal bleeding and severe cramps; Severe headache; More than 4 contractions in 1 hour for 2 hours; Marked swelling of the hands, legs and face; Pain when urinating, difficulty urinating or bloody urine; fever and chills; vaginal discharge.

The presence of these symptoms can indicate a serious complication, such as pre-eclampsia or ectopic pregnancy, and therefore it is important for the woman to consult the obstetrician or go immediately to the hospital to receive the appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

Belly pain in pregnancy: what can be and what to do